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Pattern Talk

Above all, you need to + 동사원형.      
무엇보다 넌 ~하는 게 필요해.

Above all, you need to forgive. 
무엇보다 용서하는 게 필요해.

Above all, you need to believe. 
무엇보다 믿는
 게 필요해.


Above all, you need to practice. 
무엇보다 연습하는 게 필요해.

Above all, you need to eat right. 
무엇보다 제대로 먹는 게 필요해.

Above all, you need to play fair. 
무엇보다 공정하게 하는 게 필요해.


Role Play
A: What's the secret to a happy relationship?
A: 좋은 사이로 지내는 비결이 뭐야?

B: Above all, you need to forgive.
B: 무엇보다 용서를 하는 게 필요해.

A: I agree. "To err is human; to forgive, divine."
A: 동의해. 실수하는 건 인간이고, 용서하는 건 신성하잖아.


* 대화 속 영어 표현 정리
What's the secret to a happy relationship? : 행복한 관계 유지를 위한 비밀이 뭐야?
* You need to forgive. : 용서를 해야지.
"To err is human; to forgive, divine. " : 인간은 실수하기 마련이니까, 큰마음 먹고 용서해.

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
676 [패턴영어] I'm sick and tired of + ~ing. file chanyi 2012-07-30 2818
675 [패턴영어] He screwed up + 명사. file chanyi 2012-07-27 2918
674 [패턴영어] It's not going to be easy to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-07-26 3321
673 [패턴영어] Are you saying that + 주어 + 동사? file chanyi 2012-07-25 3533
672 [패턴영어] The thing is, 주어 + 동사. file chanyi 2012-07-24 2938
671 [패턴영어] That's not what I want to + 동사 원형. file chanyi 2012-07-23 3243
670 [패턴영어] How could you not + 동사원형? file chanyi 2012-07-20 3218
669 [패턴영어] I can still clearly remember + 명사. file chanyi 2012-07-19 2455
668 [패턴영어] I'm not ready for + 명사. file chanyi 2012-07-18 2669
667 [패턴영어] I didn't know the first thing about + 명사. file chanyi 2012-07-17 2482
666 [패턴영어] They're very enthusiastic about + ~ing. file chanyi 2012-07-16 2304
665 [패턴영어] 명사 + doesn't suit me. file chanyi 2012-07-13 3058
664 [패턴영어] How well does she + 동사원형? file chanyi 2012-07-12 3238
» [패턴영어] Above all, you need to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-07-11 2869
662 [패턴영어] I'm + ~ing + more than usual. file chanyi 2012-07-10 2444
661 [패턴영어] He once had to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-07-09 2711
660 [패턴영어] I went so far as to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-07-06 3691
659 [패턴영어] She's excellent at + ~ing. file chanyi 2012-07-05 2866
658 [패턴영어] There's no reason to + 동사 원형. file chanyi 2012-07-04 2457
657 [패턴영어] ~ing + is above me. file chanyi 2012-07-03 2674
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