There was a time when~.
내가 ~한 시절이 있었지.
<Step 1>
내가 춤을 추지 못했던 시절이 있었어.
There was a time when I couldn’t dance.
룰라가 읽지 못했던 시절이 있었지.
There was a time when Lula couldn’t read.
물건값이 더 저렴했던 시절이 있었지.
There was a time when things were cheaper.
인터넷이 없었던 시절이 있었지.
There was a time when we had no internet.
사람들이 격식을 차려서 옷을 입었던 시절이 있었지.
There was a time when people dressed formally.
1달러의 가치가 더 컸던 시절이 있었지.
There was a time when a dollar went further.
당신의 말이(/약속이) 보증수표와도 같았던 시절이 있었지.
There was a time when your word was your bond.
내가 삶을 제대로 살던 시절이 있었지.
There was a time when I was “livin’ the life”.
<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: There was a time when I couldn’t dance.
내가 춤을 추지 못했던 때가 있었지.
B: Seems like yesterday.
바로 어제 같은데.
Dialogue 2
A: There was a time when we had no internet.
인터넷이 없었던 시절이 있었지.
B: I can’t fathom that.
도저히 상상이 안 되는데.
Dialogue 3
A: There was a time when I was “livin’ the life.
내가 삶을 제대로 살던 시절이 있었지.
B: Back in the day, huh?
옛날에는 그랬지?