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Something will pay off something.
~ 하면 보상이(/좋은 결과가) 있을 거야.

<Step 1>
네가 열심히 일하는 거 결국에는 보상이 있을 거야.
Your hard work will pay off in the end.

네가 한 투자는 2년이 지나면 좋은 결과가 있을 거야.
Your investment will pay off in 2 years.

참으면 오래지 않아 보상이 뒤따를 거야.
Patience will pay off before long.

배려를 하면 다음 생에 보상이 있을 거야.
Kindness will pay off in the next life.

유지보수를 하면 잘 작동하니까 결국 좋은 거야.
Maintenance will pay off with good function.

정직하면 신용이 쌓이니까 좋은 거야.
Honesty will pay off with credibility.

날씨가 좋으면 풍년이 드니까 좋은 거야.
Good weather will pay off with bumper crops.

조기 발견은 치료하면 되니까 좋은 거야.
Early detection will pay off with recovery.

<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: Your hard work will pay off in the end.
네가 열심히 일하는 거 결국에는 보상이 있을 거야.
hard work.png
B: The sooner, the better.
빠르면 빠를수록 좋지.

Dialogue 2
A: Maintenance will pay off with good function.
유비 보수를 하면 잘 작동하니까 결국 좋은 거야.

B: That saves money.
그게 돈을 아끼는 거지.

Dialogue 3
A: Early detection will pay off with recovery.
조기 발견은 치료하면 되니까 좋은 거야.

B: My doctor agrees.
주치의도 같은 생각이야.
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List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1536 B하지 않으려면 계속 A를 해. Keep yourself A not to be B. file [1] chanyi 2015-11-19 634
1535 A는 B의 상징이야. Pope Francis is now an icon of love and peace. file chanyi 2015-11-16 507
1534 ~는 ...를 인정하지 않아. Her parents don’t approve of her boyfriend. file chanyi 2015-11-14 532
1533 ~하든간에, ...해. No matter who he says he is, I don’t believe him. file chanyi 2015-11-12 1077
1532 이제부터, ~야. From now on, you’ll be responsible for marketing. file chanyi 2015-11-11 651
1531 ...에게는 너무 ~해. Do you think they’re too smart for me? file chanyi 2015-11-10 600
1530 ~한 것에 대해 사과했어. I apologize for not calling you back sooner. file chanyi 2015-11-09 613
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» ~ 하면 보상이 있을 거야. Your hard work will pay off in the end. file chanyi 2015-11-05 984
1527 틀림없이 ~하다. I eat an apple every morning without fail. file chanyi 2015-11-04 1080
1526 ~한 것을 ...할 필요가 있어. I need to finish what I started. file chanyi 2015-11-03 398
1525 B에 대한 A의 비율이……야. The ratio of students to teachers here is 10:1. file chanyi 2015-11-03 8131
1524 ~이 수상쩍어. The guy looking over your shoulder looks fishy. file chanyi 2015-10-30 682
1523 ~하는 것은 장난이 아니야. It’s no joke raising dogs and cats together. file chanyi 2015-10-29 824
1522 ~에 대한 확신이 서지 않았어. I was unsure of investing my money into his idea. file chanyi 2015-10-28 532
1521 ~에게 ...를 허락해. The doctor allows only 5 minutes for each patient. file chanyi 2015-10-27 512
1520 ~의 핵심 두뇌야. Elon is surely the brains behind this project. file chanyi 2015-10-27 469
1519 그냥 ~를 시기하는 거야. They’re just jealous of your success. file [1] chanyi 2015-10-24 8649
1518 ~를 알려 줬어. Kim introduced me to the joys of golfing. file [1] chanyi 2015-10-22 537
1517 본능적으로 ~해. Human beings all make friends by instinct. file [1] chanyi 2015-10-21 883
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