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       My Heart Leaps Up 

           William Wordsworth
My heart leaps up when I behold
    A rainbow in the sky : So was it when my life began ;
So is it now I am a man ;
So be it when I shall grow old,
    Or let me die !
The Child is father of the Man ;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.



하늘의 무지개 바라보면

         윌리엄 워즈워스

하늘의 무지개 바라보면
내 가슴은 뛰누나
어렸을 적에도 그러했고
어른인 지금도 그러하네
나이가 들어도 그러하길
아니면 죽어도 좋으리!
어린이는 어른의 아버지
내 생활이 자연을 경애하는 마음으로
하루하루 이어지기를      



List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 수 날짜
24 영시 Ode to the West Wind - Percy Bysshe Shelley file Chanyi 2688 2009-10-25
23 영시 She walks in Beauty - George Gorden, Lord Byron file Chanyi 2266 2009-10-01
22 영시 The Solitary Reaper - William Wordsworth file Chanyi 2451 2009-09-25
21 영시 She Was a Phantom of Delight - William Wordsworth file Chanyi 1635 2009-09-16
20 영시 Composed upon Westminster Bridge - William Wordsworth file Chanyi 2424 2009-09-09
19 영시 My Heart Leaps Up - William Wordsworth file Chanyi 1777 2009-09-06
18 영시 Daffodils- William wordsworth file Chanyi 2233 2009-09-01
17 영시 The Sick Rose - William Blake file Chanyi 2217 2009-08-28
16 영시 Ah Sun-flower! - William Blake file Chanyi 2541 2009-08-27
15 영시 The Tyger - William Blake file Chanyi 2404 2009-08-24
14 영시 The Little Black Boy - William Blake file Chanyi 2535 2009-08-21
13 영시 A Red, Red Rose - Robert Burns file Chanyi 2720 2009-08-18
12 영시 Know Then Thyself-Alexander Pope file Chanyi 1784 2009-08-17
11 영시 Alps on Alps - Alexander Pope file Chanyi 1992 2009-08-12
10 영시 On his blindness - John Milton file Chanyi 7284 2009-08-11
9 영시 How Soon Hath Time - John Milton file Chanyi 4658 2009-08-10
8 영시 To His Coy Mistress - Andrew Marvell file Chanyi 2150 2009-08-09
7 영시 Batter My Heart - John Donne file Chanyi 3848 2009-08-07
6 영시 The Flea - John Donne file Chanyi 2913 2009-08-04
» 영시 My Heart Leaps Up - William Wordsworth file Chanyi 2530 2009-08-04
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