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A musical program in Oakland, California, gives children of Chinese-American families a safe place to spend their free time.(캘리포니아 오클랜드의 음악 프로그램이 중국계 미국가족들의 아이들에게 그들의 자유시간을 보낼 안전한 장소를 제공하고 있습니다.)
Sherlyn Chew says the program is for students who might have nothing else to do after school ends for the day.
(Sherlyn Chew가 말에 의하면 이 음악프로그램은 하루 수업이 끝난후 해야 할 어떤일도 가지고 있지 않을지도 모르는 아이들을 위한것입니다.)

SHERLYN CHEW: "A lot of our students are what you call you know, latch-key children where the parents work long hours in restaurants."
Sherlyn Chew: (많은 우리의 학생들은 소위 알다시피 부모님들이 식당에서 밤늦게까지 일하시는 맞벌이 가정 아이들입니다.")
Two of the students are not Chinese: Alejandro Chavez and Tyler Thompson. 
(학생들 중 두명은 중국계가 아닙니다.: Alejandro Chavex 와 Tyler Thompson)

Neither Alejandro nor Tyler speaks Chinese.(Alejandro 와 Tyler는 중국어를 할줄 모릅니다.) 
But they have become important players in the program's orchestra.(그러나 그들은 이 프로그램의 오케스트라에서 중요한 연주자가 되었습니다.)
She says she saw something special in them.(그녀가 말한바에 따르면 그녀는 그들에게서 특별한 무언가를 보았다고 합니다.) 

SHERLYN CHEW: "Music for all students should be fun, but it is a discipline. You have to -- you have to practice. And both of them were willing to do that." 
SHERLYN CHEW:"모든 학생들에게 음악은 재미있어야 하지만 그것은 훈련입니다. 여러분은 연습을 해야만 합니다. 그리고 그들 둘다 기꺼이 그것을 했습니다.)

Tyler Thompson attended a school near his mother's workplace in Oakland's Chinatown neighborhood.(Tyler는 오클랜드 차이나타운 인근에 있는 그의 어머니 일터근처에 있는 학교에 다녔습니다.)

There, he learned songs in Chinese from Ms. Chew.(그곳에서 그는 Chew로부터 중국어로된 노래를 배웠습니다.)

SHERLYN CHEW: "One day he said to me, he said, 'You know, my mother comes home from work very tired and I would sing her the songs you teach me and I'm able to make her feel better.' And I said, you know, what a nice kid." 
SHERLYN CHEW: "어느날 그가 나에게 와서 말했습니다, '아시다시피 나의 어머니니 직장에서 매우 지친채 집에 돌아와요 그리고 나는 당신이 나에게 가르쳐준 노래를 엄마에게 불러주곤 했어요. 그리고 나는 어머니가 기쁘게 할 수 있어요.' 그리고 나는 말했습니다, 훌륭한 아이구나"

Ms. Chew discovered that Tyler Thompson could sing Chinese opera. 
Chew씨는 Tyler가 중국오페라를 부를 수 있다는 것을 발견했습니다.

TYLER THOMPSON: "It was a challenge to me at first to actually, like, understand it."
TYLER THOMPSON: "처음에는 그것을 실제로 이해한다는것은 나에게 도전이었습니다."

Tyler says it was also hard for some of his Chinese friends to understand why he wanted to sing Chinese opera. 
(Tyler가 말하기를 몇몇 그의 친구들은 그가 왜 중국 오페라 부르기를 원하는지 이해하기가 어렵다고 합니다.)

TYLER THOMPSON: "I didn't see any problem with it but they did, and I know it would probably be the same vice versa if they were, if like, I heard one Asian kid singing some like really old school R&B [rhythm and blues] songs. Like I would just be like, you know, 'What do you know about that?'" 

Alejandro Chavez has also done well in the program since Ms. Chew discovered him ten years ago. Alejandro plays an ancient instrument called the Sheng. 

ALEJANDRO CHAVEZ: "Just being able to say I play an instrument from ancient China. It's, you know, I have history in my hands."

Alejandro says being part of the orchestra has opened his mind.

ALEJANDRO CHAVEZ: "Well it's taught me not to be, you know, Latinos here, you know, white people here, you know, so I'm mixed together. It's like that. And it's really changed my life. Really, because if I weren't here, where would I be?"

Ms. Chew says she hopes all her students will learn to better understand not just the music but each other. She also hopes the children will remember everything they have learned after they leave the orchestra. I'm Christopher Cruise.


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