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[통문장 영어암기71]

The poor listener thinks // he has done his duty / when he has said his piece / to the best of his ability, // but the good listener is / as keen on his work // after he has spoken // as while he was speaking.

서투른 경청자는 자신의 능력이 닿는 데까지 자신의 의견을 말했을 때, 자신의 의무를 이행했다고 생각하나 훌륭한 경청자는 자신이 말하고 있던 동안 그랬던 것만큼 자신이 말한 뒤에도 자신의 일에 열심이다. 

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출처: 천일문심화66

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번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 수 날짜
83 통문장암기 [통문장 영어83] What really impresses most women is a man who cares about their feelings. file chanyi 420 2015-03-01
82 통문장암기 [통문장 영어82] Whether the first baseman really touched the runner was the question on the people's minds. file chanyi 451 2015-02-28
81 통문장암기 [통문장 영어81] That the unborn child cannot yet speak, reason means that he lacks the essential being of a person. file chanyi 642 2015-02-21
80 통문장암기 [통문장 영어80] That the monsters in movies seem alive is the result of new computer techniques. file chanyi 394 2015-02-21
79 통문장암기 [통문장 영어79] What may be normal behavior in one culture may seem inappropriate or even rude in another. file chanyi 447 2015-02-20
78 통문장암기 [통문장 영어78] To have faith in the possibility of love is a rational faith. file chanyi 1180 2015-02-20
77 통문장암기 [통문장 영어77] To say that today's young people are all selfish is rash generalization. file chanyi 396 2015-02-20
76 통문장암기 [통문장 영어76] Reading speed is important, but being able to think straight about what you read is far more valuable. file chanyi 533 2015-02-20
75 통문장암기 [통문장 영어75] Making, advertising, and packaging what we buy can cost a lot in pure water, air, and soil. file chanyi 459 2015-02-15
74 통문장암기 [통문장 영어74] learning how to find information quickly and communicating efficiently will become increasingly important. file chanyi 342 2015-02-15
73 통문장암기 [통문장 영어73] Feeling good about oneself will help him or her cope with difficult situations. chanyi 555 2015-01-30
72 통문장암기 [통문장 영어72] Having a mole over one's right eyebrow means he or she will be lucky. chanyi 418 2015-01-30
» 통문장암기 [통문장 영어71] The poor listener thinks he has done his duty when he has said his piece. chanyi 547 2015-01-30
70 통문장암기 [통문장 영어70] Doctors are starting to find more and more information. chanyi 554 2015-01-26
69 통문장암기 [통문장 영어69] The ancient Greeks believed that all beauty could be explained with math. chanyi 679 2015-01-19
68 통문장암기 [통문장 영어68] the main thing distinguishing humans from other animals is language. chanyi 413 2015-01-08
67 통문장암기 [통문장 영어67] Many people believe that the most interesting literature is nonfiction chanyi 499 2014-12-14
66 통문장암기 [통문장 영어66] The increase in leisure time will provide people with more opportunities chanyi 784 2014-11-29
65 통문장암기 [통문장 영어65] Children prefer watching TV to reading books or engaging in conversation. file chanyi 877 2014-11-22
64 통문장암기 [통문장 영어64] His story reminds me of something similar which happened to me a few years ago. chanyi 756 2014-11-22
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