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43 통문장암기 [통문장 영어43] The biosphere is the part of the Earth's environment where life exists. chanyi 671 2014-09-14
42 통문장암기 [통문장 영어42] The 'New World' found by Columbus was actually an old world chanyi 734 2014-09-14
41 통문장암기 [통문장 영어41] A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become known chanyi 748 2014-09-14
40 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기40] Teenagers should be aware of the fact that endurance is an essential ingredient chanyi 808 2014-09-08
39 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기39] The important idea is that our self-image is formed by our beliefs, not simply by our past experiences. chanyi 693 2014-09-08
38 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기38] Ask not what your country can do for you chanyi 775 2014-09-01
37 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기37] What the nonverbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. chanyi 738 2014-08-31
36 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기36] I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. chanyi 713 2014-08-31
35 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기35] The mind has great influence over the body, and diseases often have their origin there. chanyi 657 2014-08-31
34 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기34] Translated into English, this joke would not make any sense. chanyi 840 2014-08-31
33 통문장암기 [통문장영어33] All forms of life are closely related to each other, nourishing and protecting each other. chanyi 724 2014-08-31
32 통문장암기 [통문장영어32] The Internet was established by the U.S. Department of Defense to maintain data communications. chanyi 632 2014-08-31
31 통문장암기 [통문장영어31] The police left no stone unturned to find out the cause of the accident. chanyi 692 2014-08-17
30 통문장암기 [통문장영어30] Our understanding of genetics will allow us to cure or prevent many of the diseases of mankind. chanyi 720 2014-08-04
29 통문장암기 [통문장영어29] The audience kept applauding long after the curtain came down. chanyi 755 2014-07-20
28 통문장암기 [통문장영어28]I received a letter from Sally the other day saying that she's coming to visit next week chanyi 921 2014-07-12
27 통문장암기 [통문장영어27] Our bodies have the natural ability to fight off bacteria and diseases chanyi 1163 2014-06-29
26 통문장암기 [통문장영어26] The important thing is never to stop questioning. chanyi 632 2014-06-24
25 통문장암기 [통문장영어25] She avoided answering my questions about her age and height. file chanyi 667 2014-06-24
24 통문장암기 [통문장영어24] To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. chanyi 766 2014-06-24
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