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It is generally the idle who complain they cannot find time to do what they wish to do. In truth, people can generally find time enough for their work; it is not the time but the will that is wanting.

자신들이 하고 싶어하는 것을 할 시간을 찾을 수 없다고 불평하는 사람들은 대게 게으른 사람들이다. 사실상, 사람들은 대개 자신의 일을 위한 충분한 시간을 찾을 수 있다; 부족한 것은 시간이 아니라 의지이다

complain 불평하다

will 의지; 유언

wanting 부족한


It is only when our parents are gone and we never see them that we find that they and we are indivisible.

우리가 그들과 우리는 나뉠 수 없다는 것을 알게 되는 것은 바로 우리 부모님들이 돌아가셔서 우리가 결코 그들을 보지 못하는 때 뿐이다.

indivisible 불가분의


It was not until the mid-eighteenth century in England that agricultural improvements made it possible for more food to be grown to meet the demands of a growing population.

농업의 발달이 더 많은 식량이 재배되어 늘어나는 인구의 수요를 충족시키게 한 것은 바로 영국에서 18세기 중엽이 되어서였다.

agricultural 농업의

improvement 개선

demand 수요(supply);


population 인구


It is only the rise of technology, and not the rise of modern political ideas, which has refuted the old and terrible truth that only violence and rule over others could make some men free.

타인들에 대한 폭력과 지배만이 사람들을 자유롭게 만들 수 있다는 저 구시대적이고 끔찍한 진리를 논박한 것은, 현대 정치사상의 등장이 아니라 오직 과학기술의 등장이다.

refute ~을 반박하다

violence 폭력

rule 규칙; 지배


Thomas Edison was looked upon as a fool by his teachers, and it was only because his mother inspired him to believe that one day he would do something fine and great that he became the man he was.

토머스 에디슨은 그의 선생들에 의해서 바보로 여겨졌다, 그리고 그가 그가 되게 된 그 사람이 된 것은 오로지 그의 어머니가 언젠가 그는 멋지고 위대한 어떤 것을 하게 될 것이라고 그로 하여금 믿게 했기 때문이다.

look upon A as B

AB로 여기다

inspire 격려하다; 영감을 주다

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 수 날짜
163 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기 191] Seat belts can reduce the impact experienced by a passenger to one-fifth of the impact suffered by the body of the car. file chanyi 671310 2017-11-28
162 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기 186] Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. file chanyi 670672 2017-11-27
161 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기 181] If knowledge is power, there is no telling how far it will. file chanyi 670360 2017-11-20
160 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기 176] The biggest key to success in school is learning how to study effectively. file chanyi 669863 2017-11-03
159 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기] The ancient Egyptians knew how to preserve dead bodies from decay. file chanyi 669668 2017-11-03
158 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기] What is it that allows sounds of music to move us? file chanyi 669172 2017-10-30
» 통문장암기 [통문장영어] It is generally the idle who complain they cannot find time to do what they wish to do. file chanyi 668891 2017-10-25
156 통문장암기 [통문장영어] It has been the exceptionally rapid growth of computer technology that has changed every aspect of our lives. file chanyi 668536 2017-10-24
155 통문장암기 [통문장영어] People took it for granted that workers would remain in one company file chanyi 668464 2017-10-17
154 통문장암기 [통문장 영어154] the Inability of adult to socialize their young has made it possible for juveniles to act on their impulses and materialize their fantasies. file chanyi 667512 2017-10-17
153 통문장암기 [통문장 영어153] You may find it difficult to understand what you read. file chanyi 346 2017-10-17
152 통문장암기 [통문장 영어152] The community center finds it difficult to fit free medical care for poor people into its budget. file chanyi 401 2017-10-17
151 통문장암기 [통문장 영어151] She thought it little use trying to look younger than she was. file chanyi 1634 2016-09-10
150 통문장암기 [통문장 영어150] We make it a rule not to call on others without an appointment. file chanyi 2488 2015-12-05
149 통문장암기 [통문장 영어149] students find it relatively simple to enter university, but they must study extremely hard to stay in. file chanyi 1590 2015-12-05
148 통문장암기 [통문장 영어148] The scientific advance makes it possible for us to discover and invent what we have never dreamed of. file chanyi 1172 2015-12-05
147 통문장암기 [통문장 영어147] It is estimated that in the next 30 years tobacco will kill more people in Asia. file chanyi 1169 2015-11-28
146 통문장암기 [통문장 영어146] It cannot be denied that we owe many useful things to science. file chanyi 1068 2015-11-28
145 통문장암기 [통문장 영어145] It can be argued that the clock was the first truly automatic machine. file chanyi 1167 2015-11-28
144 통문장암기 [통문장 영어144] It is no wonder few people ever imagined that the country's language might one day become popular in the international community. file chanyi 919 2015-11-28
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