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목적보어로 to부정사를 취하는 동사로는  

「ask, expect, advise, persuade, enable, encourage, allow, force, cause, urge, permit, tell, teach, lead, require 등」

* advise : She advised me to wait until tomorrow.

 * allow : She allowed me to use her car.

 * ask : I asked John to help us. 

 * beg : They begged us to come.

 * cause : Her laziness caused her to fail.

 * compel : We cannot compel you to do it.

 * convince : I couldn't convince him to accept our help.

 * dare : He dared me to do better than he had done.

 * enable : GPS in our car enables us to pinpoint our destination.

 * encourage : He encouraged me to try again.

 * expect : I expect you to be on time.

 * forbid : I forbid you to tell him.

 * force : They forced him to tell the truth.

 * instruct : He instructed them to be careful.

 * invite : Harry invited the Johns to come to his party.

 * mean : I didn't mean you to read the letter

 * motivate : What motivated her to leave home?

 * order : The judge ordered me to pay a fine.

 * permit : He permitted the children to stay up late.

 * persuade : We persuaded them to leave.

 * remind : She reminded me to lock the door.

 * require : Our teacher requires us to be on time.

 * teach : My brother taught me to swim.

 * tell : The doctor told me to take these pills.

 * urge : I urged her to apply for the job.

 * want : I want you to be happy.

 * warn : I warned you not to drive too fast. 

 cf> "advise, allow, permit, forbid"와 같은 동사는 주의해야 한다.
 * advise : She advised me to wait until tomorrow. (5형식) 
               : She advised my waiting until tomorrow. (3형식)
 * allow : She allowed me to use her car. (5형식) 
             : She allowed my using her car. (3형식)
 * forbid : She has forbidden him to smoke in her presence. (5형식) 
              : She has forbidden his smoking in her presence. (3형식)

 * permit : The hospital doesn't permit people to smoke in the building. (5형식)
               : The hospital doesn't permit smoking in the building. (3형식)


목적보어로 to부정사를 취하는동사.ppt
BBC Learning English 수업참고good 


2013.05.01 15:28:41


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