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기타 Exam Skills-Smart reading | BBC

2010.03.01 12:32

Chanyi 조회 수:2217

Nuala: Hi, I’m Nuala O’Sullivan and this is ‘Exam Skills’. In this programme we
find out what it takes to do well in reading exams.
Reading English is often OK if you’ve got plenty of time to do it, but in a
reading exam, it can seem as if time isn’t on your side! Examiner, Mark
Mark Shea
The way most reading exams work is that you have a lot of reading to do and very little time to do it. Time is more important perhaps in reading than in any other paper. If you had as much time as you needed, most students would score 100%.
Nuala: So the most important skill you need in a reading exam is time management!
Mark Shea
So you need to make sure that you know how many marks each part carries, and divide your time accordingly. Start with the part that carries most marks.
Nuala: Plan your time. And start with the section that’s worth the most marks.
But you’ll also need to make sure that you’ve done the right kind of preparation for the exam. And that means learning to read in the way that
these exams demand. Language teacher, Margaret John.....

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