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at first 와 first

faq 조회 수 2707 추천 수 71 2006.04.07 17:47:17

at first 와 first

처음에는 어떻게 되었고 나중에는 어떻게 되었다는 식으로 대조를 나타낼 때 at first를 쓴다. 이 경우 나중의 경우는 접속사 but을 주로 동반한다.

At first they were very happy, but then things started going wrong.
The work was hard at first, but I got used to it.

② 위의 경우가 아니라면 주로 first를 쓴다.

We lived there when we were first married.
We lived there when we were at first married.(*)

I first met her at a party.(first = for the first time)
First, I want to talk about the history of the problem.

엮인글 :


2013.05.26 01:35:26


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