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Did you notice ~?
~하는 것 눈치챘어(/알고 있었어)?
<Step 1>
쌤이 다시 담배 비우는 것을 눈치 챘어?
Did you notice Sam was smoking again?
창문이 열려 있는 것 눈치 챘어?
Did you notice the window was open?
브레이크에서 찍 소리 나는 것 알고 있었어?
Did you notice the brakes were squeaking?
시계가 5분 안 맞는 것 눈치챘어?
Did you notice the clock was off five minutes?
봉투가 새는 것 알았어?
Did you notice the bags were leaking?
색이 바래고 있는 것 알고 있었어?
Did you notice the color was fading?
물가가 오르는 것 알고 있었어?
Did you notice the prices were rising?
냉장고에서 웅 소리 나는 것 알고 있었어?
Did you notice the fridge was humming?
<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: Did you notice Sam was smoking again?
쌤이 다시 담배 피우는 것 눈치챘어?
B: It’s a tough habit to kick.
버리기 힘든 습관이지.
Dialogue 2
A: Did you notice the clock was off five minutes?
시계가 5분 안 맞는 것 눈치했어?
B: The battery might be dying.
건전지가 다 떨어져서 그럴지도 몰라.
Dialogue 3
A: Did you notice the fridge was humming?
냉장고에서 웅 소리 나는 것 알고 있었어?
B: It kept me awake last night.
그것 때문에 밤새 깨어 있었어.