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번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 수 날짜
88 통문장암기 [통문장영어15] We had to watch the city destroyed before our own eye. chanyi 824 2014-06-09
87 통문장암기 [통문장영어14] The management wants all the employees to be punctual. chanyi 1001 2014-06-09
86 30문장암기 mp3들으며 영어문장 30개 암기-59th day chanyi 1096 2014-06-09
85 통문장암기 [통문장영어13] The English consider sports in school an important part of education. chanyi 969 2014-06-08
84 통문장암기 [통문장암기12] Children's instincts tell them whether they are loved or not. chanyi 1003 2014-06-07
83 통문장암기 [통문장암기11] I asked her a slightly personal question out of mere curiosity. chanyi 972 2014-06-07
82 통문장암기 [통문장암기10] We must recognize that there is a diversity in human gifts. chanyi 867 2014-06-06
81 통문장암기 [통문장암기9] I learned how to play a traditional Korean musical instrument. chanyi 839 2014-06-06
80 30문장암기 mp3들으며 영어문장 30개 암기-58th day chanyi 1011 2014-06-06
79 통문장암기 [통문장암기8] Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. chanyi 1108 2014-06-06
78 통문장암기 [통문장암기7] The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. chanyi 1027 2014-06-06
77 통문장암기 [통문장암기6] Man first appeared on this earth about 4 million years ago. chanyi 800 2014-06-05
76 통문장암기 [통문장암기5] My word to all men is that you have got to overcome the fear of being seen as weak chanyi 1029 2014-06-04
75 통문장암기 [통문장암기4] Healthy emotions give a person a sense of well-being, even during difficult situations. chanyi 929 2014-06-04
74 통문장암기 [통문장암기3] Children need to be immersed in the outdoor environment to learn about it. chanyi 1117 2014-06-04
73 통문장암기 [통문장암기2]You start feel a sense of relief as you rid your space of old, broken, and outdated things. chanyi 1256 2014-06-04
72 통문장암기 [통문장암기1]In addition to environmental considerations, security is an important issue. chanyi 1688 2014-06-04
71 30문장암기 mp3들으며 영어문장 30개 암기-57th day chanyi 1260 2014-06-03
70 30문장암기 mp3들으며 영어문장 30개 암기-56th day chanyi 906 2014-06-02
69 30문장암기 mp3들으며 영어문장 30개 암기-55th day chanyi 1033 2014-06-01
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