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VOA News Pressure in Europe Builds for Banking Reform file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-11
  • 조회 수 687

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report, from | Pressure for financial reform has been building in Europe. In June, the financial services company Moody's Investors Service reduced Spain's credit rating. The rating was cut from A3 to baa3. That means that Moody's officials believe the credit risk of Spanish debt has moved from very low to moderate. The company said it acted because Spain is borrowing about one hundred t...

VOA News Need Help With Your Writing? Try This Web Site file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-11
  • 조회 수 760

This is the VOA Special English Education Report, from | Millions of students have been taught a formula that has nothing to do with chemistry. The formula is for how to write a five-paragraph essay. First, write an introductory paragraph to state the argument. Then, add three paragraphs of evidence. Finally, write a conclusion. Linda Bergmann is director of the Writing Lab at Purdue University in Indiana. Her job is to help stu...

VOA News What Rio Conference Means to Farmers file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-11
  • 조회 수 841

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, from | Leaders and officials from governments and nongovernmental groups recently met in Brazil for the Rio+20 Conference. The full name was the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. It marked the twentieth anniversary of the Earth Summit, the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro. It also came ten years after the World Summit on S...

VOA News A Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Then 'Crack'

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-10
  • 조회 수 774

Donald Walsh is stepping back in time at the National Museum of the United States Navy. DONALD WALSH: "Our job was to maintain and operate the bathyscaphe. The scientists at the Navy lab would decide what kind of research projects we have and what kind of equipment we put on it to make measurements and sampling under the sea." In 1960, Mr. Walsh was a young Navy lieutenant. He co-piloted a free-diving vehicle called the Trieste to the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean. DONALD WALSH: "What better...

VOA News Itzhak Perlman: A Citizen of the World, With His Violin as a Passport file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-10
  • 조회 수 462

Read, listen and learn English with the full story: 원문출처 :

VOA News What Moves America? Transportation Trends in the US file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-10
  • 조회 수 460

Read, listen and learn English with the full story: 원문출처 :

굿모닝팝스 2012/07/10 (화) 이근철의 굿모닝팝스

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-10
  • 조회 수 399

이근철의 굿모닝팝스 (2012/07/10) 방송분이 업데이트 되었습니다. 원문출처 :

굿모닝팝스 2012/07/09 (월) 이근철의 굿모닝팝스

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-09
  • 조회 수 476

이근철의 굿모닝팝스 (2012/07/09) 방송분이 업데이트 되었습니다. 원문출처 :

굿모닝팝스 2012/07/08 (일) 이근철의 굿모닝팝스

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-08
  • 조회 수 442

이근철의 굿모닝팝스 (2012/07/08) 방송분이 업데이트 되었습니다. 원문출처 :

굿모닝팝스 2012/07/07 (토) 이근철의 굿모닝팝스

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-07
  • 조회 수 422

이근철의 굿모닝팝스 (2012/07/07) 방송분이 업데이트 되었습니다. 원문출처 :

굿모닝팝스 2012/07/06 (금) 이근철의 굿모닝팝스

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-06
  • 조회 수 380

이근철의 굿모닝팝스 (2012/07/06) 방송분이 업데이트 되었습니다. 원문출처 :

굿모닝팝스 2012/07/05 (목) 이근철의 굿모닝팝스

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-05
  • 조회 수 485

이근철의 굿모닝팝스 (2012/07/05) 방송분이 업데이트 되었습니다. 원문출처 :

굿모닝팝스 2012/07/04 (수) 이근철의 굿모닝팝스

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-04
  • 조회 수 503

이근철의 굿모닝팝스 (2012/07/04) 방송분이 업데이트 되었습니다. 원문출처 :

VOA News Progress in Race to Save Cheetahs file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-03
  • 조회 수 566

From | Cheetahs are beautiful and speedy. They can run as fast as 110 kilometers an hour. There once were more than 100,000 cheetahs living in Africa and Asia. Today only about 10,000 of the animals remain. Most are in 24 African countries. Laurie Marker is working to keep cheetahs from disappearing. LAURIE MARKER: "I started working with cheetahs when I lived in Oregon -- and I ran a wildlife park there; this was back in the ea...

굿모닝팝스 2012/07/03 (화) 이근철의 굿모닝팝스

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-03
  • 조회 수 520

이근철의 굿모닝팝스 (2012/07/03) 방송분이 업데이트 되었습니다. 원문출처 :

VOA News Helping Premature Babies Survive (No Captions) file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-03
  • 조회 수 607

Captioned version: From | Premature birth is the second-greatest killer of babies worldwide, after pneumonia. A report called "Born Too Soon" says one in ten babies throughout the world is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. As a midwife, Carole Presern assists women who are giving birth. She also has seen newborns die. CAROLE PRESERN, PARTNERSHIP FOR MATERNAL, NEWBORN AND CHILD HEALTH: "It's a de...

VOA News Helping Premature Babies Survive file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-03
  • 조회 수 571

From | Premature birth is the second-greatest killer of babies worldwide, after pneumonia. A report called "Born Too Soon" says one in ten babies throughout the world is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. As a midwife, Carole Presern assists women who are giving birth. She also has seen newborns die. CAROLE PRESERN, PARTNERSHIP FOR MATERNAL, NEWBORN AND CHILD HEALTH: "It's a devastating experience. And it touches you. You r...

VOA News Rethinking 'Good' Cholesterol; PSA Test Debate file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-03
  • 조회 수 688

This is the VOA Special English Health Report, from | A study has raised questions about a widely held belief involving cholesterol. The belief is that high levels of so-called good cholesterol in the blood can reduce the risk of a heart attack. The medical name for "good" cholesterol is high-density lipoprotein, or HDL. Doctors commonly believe it reduces the risk of heart attack by removing fatty deposits that can block the fl...

VOA News The Problem With Plagiarism in South Korea file

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-03
  • 조회 수 939

This is the VOA Special English Education Report, from | South Korea's education system is highly respected. But there are concerns that academic dishonesty could harm its image in the world. That dishonesty includes cases of falsified research. And in recent months, two South Korean lawmakers have faced accusations that they copied work for their doctoral dissertations.Of course, problems like these are not limited to South Kor...

VOA News A Comic Book About Business Finance

  • chanyi
  • 2012-07-03
  • 조회 수 652

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report, from | You probably have heard of comic book heroes like Superman, Batman and Spiderman. But what about Tom the motorcycle shop owner, Joe Knight and Karen Berman? Tom, Joe and Karen all appear in a comic book called "Financial Intelligence." But Mr. Knight and Ms. Berman are real people. In two thousand six, they wrote a book called "Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to ...

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