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bill, fee, fare, fine

faq 조회 수 2568 추천 수 5 2007.05.01 21:47:21

1. fee: A charge that you must pay for professional services such as those provided by doctors, lawyers, consultants, tutors, schools etc.(수수료)
2. bill: 청구서, 계산서, 어음, 증권, 지폐 등
3. fare: 차나 배등의 승차 요금(차비) taxi fare(택시비)
4. fine: 벌금 


*. charge: the amount of money that you must pay for a service or to be allowed to use something. (청구액)

*.rate: the amount of money that you have to pay for a service or for hiring something, especially one that is calculated on an hourly, weekly, or monthly basis. (요금)

*. rental: the amount of money that you have to pay to a hire company to use something for a fixed period of time. (임대차물에 대한 비용)

1. Do you mean that I have to pay a delivery charge(fee X 배달료) for this washing machine? I thought it's free.

2. Of course there is a little installing charge(fee for installing X 전등설치비) for the lighting fixtures.

3. I had to explain that the bill included 5 % service charge(rate X 봉사료).

4. I think the rate(fees X 숙박료) of this hotel is not reasonable.

5. The car rental(rent X 자동차 렌트비) is $45 for 24 hours.

엮인글 :


2013.05.23 13:04:21


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