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인삼(Korea Insam: Ginseng)

일반 조회 수 3017 추천 수 0 2008.08.17 13:57:21
insam.jpg Among the various kinds of Korea Insam(ginseng) grown around the world, the Korean variety, Goryeo ginseng-named after the ancient Korean kingdom- is unsurpassed in aroma and flavor. Goryeo ginseng grows best in the soil and climate found on the peninsula. 
The Korean people have traditionally treated Korea Insam(ginseng) as medicine as well as a health food supplement. In fact, a study on ginseng's efficacy conducted by the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that subjects taking Korea Insam(ginseng) extract suffered fewer cold symptoms.

Of all the varieties of Korea Insam(ginseng) classified GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, only Goryeo has been listed in the European Union's pharmacopoeia.


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