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'시험 끝'(Time up, That's it)을 영어로

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-23
  • 조회 수 23216

Time! 시험 끝!(=Time's up. That's it. Put your pencils down!) A: Time! B: Already? A: That was one minute. B: It felt more like 30 seconds.

'~ 했음이 분명해'를 영어로?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-23
  • 조회 수 557

~했음이 분명해(=I'm sure) I'll bet ~ A: You think I'll be able to handle Shane's class? B: I'll bet you will. A: But I haven't studied English in years. B: Don't worry. It will come back to you.

'~가 도대체 무엇인지 잘 모르겠어.'를 영어로 표현하면?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-17
  • 조회 수 677

I can't make ~ out. ~가 도대체 무엇인지 잘 모르겠어. A: How many pills am I supposed to take? B: Let me see. A: I can't make out his writing. B: Geez, did a chicken scratch on this thing? 1. ※ make out은 '알아보다, 분간하다(disc...

'고지서', '청구서'를 영어로

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-17
  • 조회 수 2381

Bills 고지서, 청구서 A: Any mail? B: Bills. A: I hate bills. A: Me, too. I prefer junk mail.

'이제 나를 위해서 시간을 보낼거야'를 영어로 표현하면?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-16
  • 조회 수 961

이제 나를 위해서 시간을 보낼 거야. It's gonna be all about me. 이제 나를 위해서 시간을 보낼 거야. A: What are you gonna do on Sunday? B: I haven't decided except, I do know it's gonna be all about me! A: Good idea! B: Yep! I mig...

'마침내 자유로다'를 영어로

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-16
  • 조회 수 920

마침내 자유로다 Free at last, free at last... 마침내 자유로다 A: I'm done! My thesis is done! B: Congratulations! A: Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, I am free at last! B: So how are you gonna celebrate? A: Sleep!

'어떻게 그런 걸 하는지 모르겠어' 영어로 표현하면?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-12
  • 조회 수 693

I don't know how she does it. 어떻게 그런 걸 하는지 모르겠어. A: My wife is amazing. B: How so? A: She works full time, she raised the kids, she takes care of all us. I don't know how she does it. B: You better be good to her! ※ ...

'A 때문에 B가 ~해 보인다'를 영어로?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-11
  • 조회 수 501

Your A makes your B look ~ A 때문에 B가 ~해 보인다 A: What do you think of my jeans? B: They make you look fat. A: Oh... B: You should get a darker pair.

'보증금' 영어로 뭘까요?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-11
  • 조회 수 4170

The deposit 보증금 A: How much is rent in the U.S.? B: It depends. You find places in all prices. A: Do you have to put down a deposit? B: Yeah, but it's usually just one month's rent.

'침실이2개인 집'을 영어로?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-11
  • 조회 수 1042

A two-bedroom 침실이2개인 집 A: What kind of a place did you live in in the US? B: I lived in a one-bedroom near the campus. A: Was it nice? B: It was okay. My neighbors were stinky, though. ※ a two-bedroom apartment/house/flat을 줄여서 말...

'삐치다'를 영어로 표현하면?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-05
  • 조회 수 1556

아무 일도 못하고 맥 빠져 있다. 삐치다. mope A: What are you moping about? B: I'm not moping. A: Are you sad because we've finished Seinfeld? B: I really like that show. A: We'll study it again in the future! ※ mop : 대걸레로 닦...

'왜 이래, 말도 안 되는 소리 하지 마'를 영어로 [1]

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-03
  • 조회 수 1609

Get out of here (=You can' be serious.) 왜이래, 말도 안 되는 소리 하지 마. A: Last Saturday, I bought a Lotto ticket, and ... B: You won. A: That's right. First place. I won 10억! B: Get out of here! A: Just joking... I won 5,000 won.

'거의 ~이 되었다'를 영어로 표현하면?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-03
  • 조회 수 645

...closing in on ~ 거의 ~이 되었다. A: What are you doing? B: I'm making a gift list for 추석. A: Already? B: What do you mean? We're closing in on it fast.

'그랬으면 좋겠어'를 영어로?

  • chanyi
  • 2015-05-03
  • 조회 수 3381

'그랬으면 좋겠어'를 영어로? I hope so. I hope so... 그랬으면 좋겠다. A: You think the economy will ever improve. B: My friend does. He says by the second half of next year, things will be much better. A: I hope so... I hate being wo...

'~를 가지도록 허락하다'를 영어로

  • chanyi
  • 2015-03-31
  • 조회 수 1596

'~를 가지도록 허락하다'를 영어로 표현하면? Let them have ~ (=Allow them have ~) ~를 가지도록 허락하다 A: I can't believe your washing your boss's car. Is she making you do this? B: No, of course not. I volunteered. A: Are you nuts? B: It's...

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