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♥ 혼동하기 쉬운 형용사 ♥


- comparative 비교의, 비교상의 / He lives in comparative comfort.

- comparable ~에 필적하는, ~과 비교할 수 있는 / There is no jewel comparable to diamond.


- continual 계속적으로 일어나는, 빈번히, 잇달아 / continual invitation

- continuous 연속적인 / We have had continuous hot weather for a month.


- considerable 중요한, 상당한, 많은 / He has a considerable income.

- considerate 동정심이 많은, 사려깊은 / It is very considerate of you to buy this for my brother.

- considering ~을 고려하면, ~에 비해 / He looks young considering his age.


- credible 신용할 수 있는, 믿을 수 있는 / It seems hardly credible that she has grown so tall in one year.

- credulous 잘 속는, 잘 믿는 / He was credulous enough to believe it.


- desirable 바람직한, 호감이 가는 / It is most desirable that he should attend the conference.

- desirous 원하는 / He is a desirable man; I am desirous of employing him.


- economic 경제학의, 경제의 / the government's economic policy

- economical 절약하는, 낭비하지 않는 / We have to be economical and should save some money for a rainy day.


- historic 역사적으로 유명한, 역사적인 / Lincoln made his historic speech at Gettysburg.

- historical 역사에 관한, 역사에 기인하는 / a historical novel/ play/ painting (역사를 소재로 한 소설/연극/그림)


- industrious 근면한 / My father was an industrious farmer.

- industrial 산업의, 공업의 / the industrial areas of England

- imaginative 상상력이 풍부한 / He is an imaginative poet.

- imaginary 가상적인, 비현실적인 / an imaginary number (허수)

- imaginable 상상할 수 있는 / He tried every means imaginable.


- momentous 중대한 / The solution of the problem is very momentous to the development of our country.

- momentary 순간적인 / a momentary joy (찰나의 기쁨)


- literal 문자의, 글자의: 원문에 충실한 / literal translation (직역)

- literary 문학의: 작가의 / a literary man

- literate 학식이 있는 / He's a remarkably literate young man.


- luxurious 사치스러운, 호화로운 / They are staying at a luxurious hotel.

- luxuriant 번성한, 풍부한 / the luxuriant vegetation of the tropics


- memorable 기억할만한, 잊지 못할 / memorable event

- memorial 기념의, 기념이되는 / a memorial service, Memorial Day


- practical 실제적인, 사실상의, 실용적인 / He has acquired a practical knowledge of English.

- practicable 실행할 수 있는 / methods that are not practicable


- sensible 분별있는, 현명한, 깨닫고 있는 / It was sensible of her to follow his advice.

- sensitive 민감한, 섬세한, 상하기 쉬운 / The eyes are sensitive to light.


- respectable 존경할 만한, 훌륭한, 품위있는 / respectable citizens

- respectful 경의를 표하는, 공손한(=polite) / You should be respectful to your superiors.


2013.06.11 00:01:23


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