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* 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1. A fresh wind comes into the room through the (break, broke, broken, breaking) window.


2. Have you ever read a book (written, writing) by Hemingway?


3. A woman (named, name, naming) Su-hee called on him yesterday.


4. I saw an (exciting, excited) game in Seoul Stadium.


5. I saw a (sleeping, slept) baby in the room.


6. I saw him (writing, written) a letter.


7. I saw the beautiful moon through the (broken, breaking) window.


8. I saw the child (throws, throwing, threw, thrown) a big ball.


9. I saw the house (building, built) in spring.


10. I smelled something (burnt, burning) in the kitchen.


11. I want a watch (to make, making, made) in Switzerland.


12. I want him (to learn, learned) English.


13. There was a (breaking, broken) glass on the table.


14. I want to buy a book (to write, written) in easy English.


15. English is a language (speak, speaking, spoken) in almost every country.



* 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 잘못 쓰인 것은?

1. ① He looked surprised when he heard the news.

② Father said that he had bought a used car.

③ Look at the slept baby.

④ Keep the door closed.


2. ① Mother left the child crying all day. ② Don't forget seeing the doctor this afternoon.

③ The story written by her is very sad. ④ I'm interested in growing flowers.


3. When the game started, all the people got ________.

① interesting② exciting

③ excited ④ be excited


4. He heard his name ________.

① call ② calling

③ has called④ called


5. Look at the little girl ________ in the room.

① dances ② danced

③ dancing ④ to danced


정답은 첨부파일 참조


2015.08.24 20:11:52



2019.06.09 17:18:46


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