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Pattern Talk

It's a good idea to + 동사원형.      
~하는 건 좋은 생각이야.

It's a good idea to recycle.
재활용 건 좋은 생각이야.

It's a good idea to 
stay fit.
 건 좋은 생각이야.


It's a good idea to take notes.
 건 좋은 생각이야.

It's a good idea to 
spend less.
덜 쓰는 건 좋은 생각이야.

It's a good idea to 
use manners.
예의를 지키는
 건 좋은 생각이야.


Role Play

A: I wonder how I can improve my memory skills.
A: 기억력을 향상시키는 법을 알고 싶어.

B: It's a good idea to take notes.
B: 메모하는 게 좋은 방법이지.

A: I do, but then I forget where I put my notes.
A: 그렇게 해, 하지만 메모를 어디다 뒀는지 까먹는 걸.


* 대화 속 영어 표현 정리
* I winder how I can ~ : 내가 ~할 수 있는 법을 알고 싶다
* improve my memory skills : 기억을 더 좋게 하다
* It's a good idea to take notes. : 메모하는 게 좋은 방법이야.
* I forget where I put my notes. : 메모를 어디다 뒀는지 잊어.

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
656 [패턴영어] I can't bring myself to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-07-02 3008
655 [패턴영어] What made you + 동사? file chanyi 2012-06-29 2456
654 [패턴영어] There's just no more + 명사. file chanyi 2012-06-28 2547
653 [패턴영어] I'm slow in + ~ing. file chanyi 2012-06-27 2558
652 [패턴영어] What is it like to + 동사원형? file chanyi 2012-06-26 3895
651 [패턴영어] I just can't stop + ~ing. file [1] chanyi 2012-06-25 2723
650 [패턴영어] Perhaps we could + 동사원형. file [2] chanyi 2012-06-24 2801
649 [패턴영어] How many days will it take to + 동사원형? file chanyi 2012-06-24 2336
648 [패턴영어] It's hard for me to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-06-20 2922
647 [패턴영어] What is the use of + -ing? file [1] chanyi 2012-06-19 3216
646 [패턴영어] He's waiting for you to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-06-18 2560
645 [패턴영어] I can't tell you how much I + 동사. file chanyi 2012-06-15 2985
644 [패턴영어] She + 과거 동사 + in one sitting. file [1] chanyi 2012-06-14 2520
643 [패턴영어] Why not + 동사원형? file chanyi 2012-06-13 4661
642 [패턴영어] He is in charge of + 명사. file [1] chanyi 2012-06-12 3062
641 [패턴영어] She + 동사 + on a daily basis. file [2] chanyi 2012-06-11 3497
» [패턴영어] It's a good idea to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-06-08 2718
639 [패턴영어] How often should I + 동사원형? file chanyi 2012-06-07 2722
638 [패턴영어] There is no telling when he will + 동사원형. file chanyi 2012-06-06 2538
637 [패턴영어] I have my heart set on + ~ing. file chanyi 2012-06-05 2676
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