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Governor Romney Wins Five Primaries; Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Arizona`s Controversial Immigration Law

Aired April 26, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET



GROUP: Hey, Carl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is CNN Student News.


GROUP: -- Sparta.


CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: You are Sparta. This is CNN Student News. Thanks to those students in Michigan for getting things started for us today. Now let`s get to the headlines.


FORMER GOV. MITT ROMNEY, R-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Thank you for the welcome and thank you, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York. Thank you.



AZUZ: Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney thanking voters in all the states that held primaries on Tuesday. That is because Governor Romney won all of those primaries.


AZUZ (voice-over): During a speech that night, the presumptive Republican nominee sounded like he was focusing his attention on the general election against President Obama. Romney`s getting closer to winning enough delegates to officially win his party`s presidential nomination. After Tuesday`s contest, CNN estimates that he has around 840 of the 1,144 delegates that it takes to be the nominee.


AZUZ: The next chance to win delegates won`t be until May 8th. That`s when the next Republican primaries are scheduled.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s Shoutout goes out to Mr. Benbow`s social studies classes at Fortuna High School in Fortuna, California.

This famous landmark is located in Washington, D.C. What building is it? Here we go. Is it the White House, U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Capitol or Pentagon? You`ve got three seconds, go.

This building has been home to the U.S. Supreme Court since 1935. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


AZUZ: There were two groups of protesters outside that building on Wednesday, people who support and people who are against Arizona`s controversial immigration law. Inside, the Supreme Court justices were hearing a case about that law. What it basically comes down to is whether states or the federal government have the authority to enforce certain laws. Kate Bolduan has more.


KATE BOLDUAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Two men on the front lines, both fighting illegal immunization, but they couldn`t be farther apart.

David Salgado is a 20-year Phoenix police veteran. He`s supposed to enforce Arizona`s immigration law. Instead, he`s trying to stop it, and his lawsuit helped trigger a Supreme Court battle.

DAVID SALGADO, PHOENIX POLICE: I think it`s a racist law, because that law was basically -- picks and chooses certain people. When I took an oath or, you know, 20 years ago, that said I`m going to enforce all laws and treat everyone equal, I can`t treat the Hispanics equally because I`m going to profile them.

BOLDUAN (voice-over): Glenn Spencer heads a private group that patrols the border along his 104-acre ranch with high-tech equipment, planes, cameras, even testing a sonic barrier.

GLENN SPENCER, RANCHER: And so this flashing here would indicate -- OK, here we go.

BOLDUAN (voice-over): Spencer says he and the state are stepping in where Washington has failed.

SPENCER: This is a wholesale invasion of Arizona, and our federal government is not protecting the state. We`re going to make sure that they get all the help and the federal government gets all the help that it needs to do the job.

BOLDUAN: It`s an old fight, but a new battleground, and it all comes down to this: the U.S.-Mexico border and the Arizona law known as SB-1070, meant to crack down on illegal border crossings. But the question dividing this state is who should be enforcing illegal immigration laws.

BOLDUAN (voice-over): SB-1070 requires local police, like Officer Salgado, to check people`s immigration status while enforcing other laws, if the police have, quote, "reasonable suspicion" they`re in the country illegally, all in an effort, the state`s governor says, to help federal authorities deal with illegal immunization.

GOV. JAN BREWER (R), ARIZ.: They`re coming across our borders in huge numbers, that the drug cartels have taken control of the immigration, illegal trespassing.

BOLDUAN (voice-over): But the Obama administration and the law`s opponents argue the federal government alone has power over immigration enforcement.

BOLDUAN: What happens here is being closely watched by states across the country. A wild card, though, just as Elena Kagan has pulled herself out of hearing this case, which raises the possibility of a 4-4 split, meaning this election year fight could be pushed to another day -- Kate Bolduan, CNN, at the U.S.-Mexico border.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: See if you can ID me. I`m a period of decreased business activity. I`m usually associated with a drop in the stock market and the housing market, and an increase in unemployment. But I`m not as severe as a depression.

I`m a recession, a significant economic decline.


AZUZ: And that`s what the United Kingdom might be going through right now. The country`s economy has been down recently. If the U.K. is in a recession, it would be the second one in four years. It`s not the only country dealing with economic problems, though.


AZUZ (voice-over): China has the world`s second largest economy, but it started slowing down late last year. Huge parts of Europe have been struggling besides the U.K. And in the United States, the economy was sluggish in the first quarter. That`s the first three months of this year.


AZUZ: Britain`s younger workers have been hit especially hard by the financial crisis. Jim Boulden looks at how a major upcoming event is offering some opportunities. He also examines how long that help might last.


JIM BOULDEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The economic crisis has taken its toll on Britain`s youth. One million plus are now unemployed. That`s more than 22 percent of those aged 16-24.

It might be worse in London, if it were not for the upcoming Summer Olympics.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How many of you actually --

BOULDEN (voice-over): Some of the Olympic money has gone to helping London`s disadvantaged youth get job training.

DAME KELLY HOLMES, Olympic CHAMPION: Hi. I`m Dame Kelly Holmes, double Olympic champion.

BOULDEN (voice-over): British Olympic gold medalist, Kelly Holmes, is also using her success to get London kids to see the benefits. Her charity uses athletes to inspire young people.

JULIE WHELAN, DAME KELLYL HOLMES LEGACY TRUST: What we find when we work with the young people who want to get on (inaudible) program, is they`re seeing the whole of the East London landscape changing, and that`s really inspirational for them, and new opportunities developing.

BOULDEN (voice-over) But by the autumn, the Olympics will be over, and many of the temporary jobs will go.

BOULDEN: So no worries, then, that the legacy will sort of peter away after the Olympics?

WHELAN: Well, I think none of us should think that anything`s going to be simple. We have a real responsibility to make sure that the legacy is a real legacy, and lives and breathes beyond.

BOULDEN (voice-over): And much of the youth training has nothing to do with the Games. Some of those in the Holmes project get training in London`s top firms. Recruitment agency Morgan Hunt is one.

JAMES STEPHENSON, MORGAN HUNT: These kids aren`t aware the skills they have. And so they`ll come to us or they`ll come to Legacy Trust, with some skills but no real understanding of how it correlates to the business world. So these guys will come and do workshops with us on CVS or interviewing skills.

BOULDEN (voice-over): London`s unemployed youth don`t always have a good reputation. Youth workers say many want to work, but the buzz around the Olympics won`t last. And youth unemployment is already near record highs -- Jim Boulden, CNN, London.


AZUZ: A 16-year-old in Florida is using Facebook to try to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. It`s an issue that is very personal for her and her family.


AZUZ (voice-over): Earlier this month, the Camacho family was involved in a car accident. The mini-van they were driving was ripped in half by the force of the impact. Authorities say the driver who allegedly hit the family`s vehicle was drunk and speeding at around 100 miles per hour. 

The family`s younger daughter, 13-year-old Kaely, was killed in the accident. Her older sister, Bree Ann, turned to social media with a plea to help keep other families from facing a similar tragedy.

BREE ANN CAMACHO, VICTIM`S SISTER: Even if you don`t know me or my family or my sister, like we can save lives. This isn`t supposed to happen. We need to stop drunk driving and we can start here.



AZUZ (voice-over): On our blog, we`re wondering how else you think someone could get the word out about drunk driving. is where you can tell us your thoughts, and only your first name, please.


AZUZ: Before we go, a goat, a curse and a 1900-mile journey.


AZUZ (voice-over): This barnyard buddy may not know it, but the hopes of the Chicago Cubs fans could be resting on his shoulders, at least the hopes of a few of them.

Five friends are walking from Arizona to Chicago, and they`re bringing this goat along for the ride. The hope is that he`ll break a supposed curse that`s kept the Cubs from winning a World Series for decades. The walk isn`t just about the ballgame. The friends are also raising money for cancer research. So far, they`ve raised more than $6,000.


AZUZ: The Cubs have the worst record in the National League right now, so if you want to break that curse, there`s a long way to "goat." We knew a "baa-d" pun is the best way to get your goat, but curses, we are out of time. For CNN Student News, I`m "Caa-arl" Azuz.



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