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Only 4 Republicans Remain in Race for GOP Nomination for President

Aired January 20, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET


DERRICK BROOKS, FOOTBALL PLAYER: Hi, I`m Derrick Brooks, retired NFL linebacker with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and with me now are some of our students at Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School in Tampa, Florida.

GROUP: Hi, Carl.

BROOKS: You`re watching CNN Student News with Carl Azuz. Go on, Carl.

CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: All right. Thanks for kicking off today`s program. We`re going to have more with Derrick Brooks later on today. We also want to mention Mountain View High in Mesa, Arizona. A student there got this week`s social media question right. I`m Carl Azuz. Let`s get to today`s headlines.

And then there were four. That`s how many candidates are left in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. 


AZUZ (voice-over): Texas Governor Rick Perry has dropped out of the race. When he first announced himself as a candidate last August, Governor Perry jumped way up in the polls. But Thursday morning he said, quote, "There is no viable path forward for me in this 2012 campaign.

As he backed out, Governor Perry endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. He described him as someone who can transform the country. Speaker Gingrich said he was honored to have Perry`s support.

All of this came right before tomorrow`s South Carolina Republican primary. You can get the results from our website over the weekend, and we will talking about them on Monday.

Meantime, the results from the Iowa caucuses earlier this month might be changing. The initial outcome showed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, whom you see on the left here, with an eight-vote win over former Senator Rick Santorum on the right.

Now it looks like Santorum had 34 more votes than Romney.


AZUZ: The Arab League is putting together a report on what`s been happening in the Middle Eastern nation of Syria. Monitors from the group were on a fact-finding mission. They wanted to see if the Syrian government was following up on its agreement to end the violence that`s been going on in Syria for months.


AZUZ (voice-over): Military groups have cracked down on protesters who`ve been speaking out against their government. Reports say that thousands of people have been killed. Government officials said they would stop the fighting, but opposition groups say that hasn`t happened. The unrest is affecting Syria`s economy. 

These car mechanics told a CNN reporter they`re not getting as much work. And even when they do, customers aren`t always able to pay. Some groups are doing better, though. With power outages across the country, generator stores are doing more business.


AZUZ: We`ve been following the wreck of the Costa Concordia all week. We`ve shown you how some rescue workers get on board the cruise ship.


AZUZ (voice-over): We haven`t seen it from this angle before, emergency personnel being lowered from a helicopter that`s hovering over the Italian ship. You can see the view he has as he`s making his way down to the Concordia.

Officials are actually considering when they might call off the search for survivors. As of Thursday afternoon, around 20 people were still missing.


AZUZ: The ship rolled over on its side after it crashed, so you might wonder how authorities can get the thing out of the water and what they might do with it. Christine Romans is here with some possibilities.


CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN REPORTER: This thing is sitting on its side in 60 feet of water. It`s the size of a skyscraper, and there are all kinds of perils and damage inside. First thing that has to happen is naval architects, engineers, divers, computer modelers, salvage experts, they got to see how much damage is done, and if this ship is even seaworthy.

One theory is then to get it upright by something called par buckling. The ship`s starboard side is under about 60 feet of water. Workboats would have to pump air into this -- into this balloon, really, get this thing popped up and then you`d have other ships, barges and even cables attached to the land, which would help raise this thing.

So even just getting it upright, you can see how -- that just the technical skill involved in all this -- and they`ve got to make sure that the shifting weight doesn`t cause the vessel to roll. If they`re going to refloat, they need to repair the gaping holes and all of that, and it really is a long process. So here it is. They would get it upright. 

And what`s interesting here, really, is that there are 17 different tanks full of oil. That`s really important. They`ve got to pump all that oil out, get this thing solid. And as they`re pumping it out, they`ve got to also be careful to pump out the seawater, replace it with air. That would allow the ship to rise. 

And they`ve got to do that really carefully as well, because, guess what? This is in 30,000 square miles -- 30,000 square miles of marine mammal sanctuary. So any time this -- just getting this thing up, when you don`t even know what`s happening on the inside of it, is going to be quite difficult. 

Now, the step of moving this up with the airbags and the barges pulling on the cables attached to it, the ship, it`s incredibly technical. This could take weeks and weeks. 

Then the question in the end, you guys, once righted, they`ve got to decide if they`re going to tow this away, they`re going to scrap it, they`re going to try to repair it, $450 million. This thing was $450 million in 2006. They`ve got some really big questions longer term about what to do with this thing.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s Shoutout goes out to Ms. McClay`s world cultural geography class at Park Vista High School in Lake Worth, Florida. What team won Super Bowl XXXVII in January 2003? Come on, you`ve got this. Was it the Oakland Raiders, New England Patriots, Pittsburgh Steelers or Tampa Bay Buccaneers? Three seconds on the clock, go.

The Tampa Bay Bucs took home their first Super Bowl title in 2003. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


AZUZ: Derrick Brooks doesn`t just have a great throwing arm. He was a linebacker on that Tampa Bay title team, won a championship in college, too, when he played at Florida State.

While he was tackling quarterbacks on the field, Brooks was also tackling education off of it. I had a chance to talk with him not too long ago about the charter school he helped found in the Tampa, Florida, area, and his life`s mission to educate students.


AZUZ: There are a lot of different ways that athletes and celebrities choose to give back. What made you want to co-found a charter school?

BROOKS: The nugget for me that drew me more than anything was the opportunity to affect more than the 35 to 50 kids that were part of Derrick Brooks Charities, that we can expand that audience, and I`ll have the opportunity to be in one building, four years building a relationship with our students and really having the opportunity to produce the next best citizens I can.

AZUZ: What was harder to do, to co-found the charter school or to win the Super Bowl?


BROOKS: I always think each one has its challenges, and I would definitely say starting a charter school is by far, I would say, harder. 

When you`re starting a charter school from scratch, you know, you have to overcome a lot of hurdles in order to do it. Just a simple application part of it, you know, we had to get approved. We went in with a academic agenda that we wanted to put kids in college.

AZUZ: And when it comes to the education that you encourage among students, I mean, you played at every single game with Tampa Bay. You started 221 times out of 224 games. Does that help you encourage perfect attendance?


BROOKS: To say the least.


BROOKS: Yes, well, basically, I guess the, you know, what it does allow me, my professional career, is show them a model of consistency.

AZUZ: Sure.

BROOKS: That, hey, you have to show up every day. If you show up every day, you`ll be rewarded.

AZUZ: There are -- there are a number of students in our target audience who talk to us about how they`re hoping to play professional sports, whether that`s basketball, baseball or football, and yet such a tiny fraction, such a tiny percentage has the God-given talent needed to play professionally.

What would you tell those students? How do you encourage them to have a backup plan?

BROOKS: I tell those students that they have a better chance of becoming a doctor and winning the lottery than (inaudible).


AZUZ: That`s the reality.

BROOKS: Yes, that`s the reality of what it is. And I don`t really look at education as a backup plan. And that`s another thing that I tell kids. Hey, sports needs to be your backup plan. Education is part of your number one.

AZUZ: I just want to know, in your words, what`s the most important thing about an education?

BROOKS: I think the most important thing about a education is you, the person, have to take advantage of it. And education, to me, is the one role that you can go down in life and become anything that you want, because what is a business career, a sports career and whatever you do, education is going to be on that road to success.


AZUZ: That`s great stuff. You check out more of my conversation with Derrick Brooks in the "Spotlight" section on our home page.

Now, before we go, we`re heading to an Ohio farm. 


AZUZ (voice-over): Although based on how relaxed these cows look. it might be more like a spa. You may think these lounging ladies are just being lazy, but it`s hard to blame them for laying around all day, when they`re laying on this -- it`s a bovine waterbed. 

The farm`s owner says the "moo-vable" mattress helps the cows produce higher quality milk. Might make their sleepover standards a little high --


AZUZ: -- because once they`ve slept on a waterbed, there`s no way they`re going to be happy crashing on the "cowch." You may think the idea of a mattress helping milk production is just "udderly" ridiculous, but it turns that farm into a cozy bed and breakfast. 

You knew we were going to milk story for all we "cud." But it`s time for us to hoof it on out of here. We hope you have a great weekend. For CNN Student News, I`m Carl Azuz.


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