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I was in Spain doing my research for my novel.
나는 소설을 위한 연구를 하면서 스페인에 있었어.

<Step 1>
나는 소설을 위한 자료 조사를 하면서 스페인에 있었어.
I was in Spain doing my research for my novel. 

그녀는 아름다운 도시들을 여행하면서 이태리에 있었어.
She was in Italy traveling around beautiful cities.

나는 머리를 감으면서 욕실에 있었어.
I was in the bathroom washing my hair.

앤은 입사 지원을 하면서 도시에 있었어.
Ann was in the city applying for jobs. 

일행은 전시회를 보면서 박물관에 있었지.
The group was in the museum looking at exhibits.

파리 한 마리가 부엌을 여기저기 날아다니며 아파트 안에 있었지.
A fly was in the apartment buzzing around the kitchen.

제 아들은 책을 읽으면서 자기 방에 있었어요.
My son was in his room reading a book.

마이크는 고기를 잡으면서 배를 타고 있었지.
Mike was in a boat trying to catch fish.

<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: Where have you been?
어디에 있었던 거야?
B: I was in Spain doing my research for my novel.
나는 소설을 위한 연구를 하면서 스페인에 있었어.

Dialogue 2
A: What did your tour group do today?
오늘 너의 여행 일행은 무엇을 했어?

B: The group was in the museum looking at exhibits.
일행은 전시회를 보면서 박물관에 있었지.

Dialogue 3
A: How did Mike get sunburned?
마이크가 어쩌다 햇볕에 화상을 입은 거야?

B: Mike was in a boat trying to catch fish.
마이크는 고기를 잡으면서 배를 타고 있었지.

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