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Dallas Area Hit by Tornadoes; Primary Preview

Aired April 4, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET


CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Some significant April 4th events: 171 years ago, William Henry Harrison died after serving just one month as U.S. president.

Sixty-three years ago, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed. Thirty-seven years ago, the company that would become Microsoft was created. And about 15 seconds ago, you started watching CNN Student News.


First up, severe weather in the Dallas, Texas, area: separate tornadoes touched down there yesterday afternoon. Officials urged people to take cover, and they had good reason. 


AZUZ (voice-over): It is a little hard to see clearly because the clouds from the storms made it so dark, but you`re going to see a large object right there in the middle of the red circle. 

That thing flying around is a tractor trailer. And it`s not the only one. Several trailers flying around in this video. The tornado picked them up and tossed them all over the place like they were just toys. Reports also indicated widespread damage to homes and other building in the area. 

All flights at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport were grounded. Passengers and airport employees were moved into shelters. And yesterday afternoon, officials were trying to figure out just how much damage had been caused.

Eleven hundred and forty-four delegates: that is the finish in this year`s race for the Republican presidential nomination. On Monday, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had the most delegates. 

There were more up for grabs on Tuesday. Maryland and Washington, D.C., held primary elections. So did Wisconsin and that state was the big prize yesterday. Forty-two delegates all going to the candidate that got the most votes. Governor Romney sounded confident heading into Tuesday`s contests.


FORMER GOV. MITT ROMNEY, R-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It feels better and better. The support for my campaign is growing stronger and stronger. This was an uphill battle for me. If you looked back three or four weeks ago and now we`re looking like we`re going to win this thing.


AZUZ: Former Senator Rick Santorum, who has the second most delegates among Republican candidates says the race isn`t over. He`s looking ahead.


FORMER SEN. RICK SANTORUM, R-PA., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The month of May is rich with delegates and are strong states for us. Those are the states that we know we can get this back, right back to where it is right now, which is a lot closer than what Mitt Romney and the pundits are spinning. It`s a very close race. And by the end of May, we expect this race to be -- to be very close to even.



AZUZ (voice-over): Go to the "Spotlight" section on our home page, and click on the CNN Election Center for results from Tuesday`s primaries. They came in after we produced today`s show.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s Shoutout goes out to Ms. Jones` classes at Enloe High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. Which Nobel Peace Prize winner gave a famous speech called "I`ve Been to the Mountaintop"? Was it Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa or Martin Luther King Jr.? You`ve got three seconds, go.

"I`ve Been to the Mountaintop" was the title of Martin Luther King Jr.`s final speech. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


AZUZ: Dr. King made that speech in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 3rd, 1968. In the speech, he talked about the fight for equality, saying, quote, "I`ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised Land."

King`s words turned out to be prophetic. He was assassinated less than 24 hours later.


AZUZ (voice-over): Martin Luther King Jr. was 39 years old when he died. His work with the U.S. civil rights movement earned him that Nobel Peace Prize. When he won it in 1964, he was the youngest person ever to get one. There are events planned all around the U.S. today, the anniversary of his death, to honor Dr. King and his legacy.


AZUZ: Shifting gears now, when you apply to college, the first question is usually, "Will I get in?" For a lot of students and their families, the next question is, "How will I pay for it?" You could apply for scholarships and loans, but Christine Romans talked with a journalist who has some tips on how to cut costs on campus.


CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: More than $22,000 is what you`ll need to attend an average public college this year. At private colleges, the average asking price is twice that. Where are you going to come up with all that money? The April issue of "Money" magazine uncovered 25 secrets to paying for college.

Kim Clark is the senior writer at "Money," who co-wrote the story. 

Kim, you say that kids cannot cut living expenses. They can take cheaper courses. These are two important ways to cut costs.

KIM CLARK, SENIOR WRITER, MONEY MAGAZINE: Right. Well, when you look at that $22,000 number, people don`t realize that about $9,000 or $10,000 of that, that`s living costs. That`s a great way to cut your expenses. 

And one way to do that, for example, is to ask for maybe less ritzy dorms. The standard dorm is, you know, shared with one other person. But if you ask to triple up or quadruple up, you can save $1,000, $2,000. 

Another way is to do some chores. There are co-ops and scholarship houses where you work four, five hours a week and you save huge amounts of money. The scholarship houses around the University of Florida, they say, cost only $2,000 a year for room and board. And that`s a $6,000 a year savings.

ROMANS: And you can take cheaper courses. How do you do that?

CLARK: Right. A lot of schools are offering discounted tuition on summer school and, of course, you can get your prereqs out of the way by taking A.P. classes or community college courses.

ROMANS: That`s really good advice, since we know that 40 percent of kids who get to school, get to college, still need some remedial math or English.

CLARK: Right, community college.

ROMANS: So, do that first so you`re not wasting the money on the more expensive course. 

CLARK: Right. Correct.

ROMANS: Kim Clark, thank you so much.

CLARK: You bet.

ROMANS: For "Smart is the New Rich," I`m Christine Romans.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: See if you can ID me. I`m a sport that dates back thousands of years.

I`m also known as pugilism, and I`ve been illegal at some points in history.

My organized matches are one-on-one, and they usually last from three to 12 rounds.

I`m boxing, and I`m sometimes referred to as "the sweet science."


AZUZ: Boxing was an event at the original Olympic Games, and we don`t mean the modern Olympics. We`re talking about in the 7th century B.C. This year`s Olympics in London are opening up the sweet science to a different group of competitors, women. Nick Payton Walsh has the story of one female pugilist, whose fight for her sport started long before she stepped in a ring.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CONTRIBUTOR (voice-over): In a stadium where the Taliban used to execute women, some, among the dusty floors and broken mirrors, have fought their way to a better life.

This is Sadaf Rahimi. You can see here how her future as Afghanistan`s first female boxer to fight at the Olympics might have been obvious when, aged 11, she threw her first punch. 

SADAF RAHIMI, AFGHAN BOXER (through translator): The first person I hit someone was my 18-year-old cousin. We got in a little scuffle and then he said I should be a boxer.

WALSH: It`s tough just to be a woman in Afghanistan, tougher still to fight in a traditionally male sport. But now Sadaf faces the hardest challenge, and that`s to get ready to fight and win against the world`s best.

WALSH (voice-over): A wild card from the Olympic Committee has fast- forwarded her to the London finals in August. But now she must overcome the real hurdle of training without a boxing ring, proper gear or enough free time. 

RAHIMI (through translator): We can only train one hour a day, that`s it. It`s not enough to prepare for London. Other teams train three times a day. And the equipment we have pretty inadequate. I even had to buy even my own socks.

WALSH (voice-over): She wants expert help in Dubai or India, with the same advantages her competitors will have. But this is Afghanistan, where money is too often in all the wrong places. So they`re left hoping for a sponsor to even things out. 

MOHAMMED SABER SHARIFI, TRAINER (through translator): We would like a sponsor who has a good name in sport. Just give us a chance, and she is the perfect example.

WALSH (voice-over): For these girls, it`s not just the punches that can harm, in a society many fear will grow even more conservative as NATO leaves. Sadaf`s father`s got anonymous phone threats that meant she stayed away from the gym for a month.

Great disadvantage but also determination from someone who says she`s never hit anyone in anger -- well, not yet anyway -- Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Kabul.


AZUZ: Here`s your chance to do the talking to me. Our friends at iReport have set up an interview with yours truly, and you are asking the questions. Here`s what you do.


AZUZ (voice-over): Record yourself on a video camera, just like we did. Make your question 15 seconds or less, and then head to, "In the Spotlight" section. You`ll find a link that says "iReport: Carl Azuz wants to hear from you" -- because I do. Upload your video, wait for our response. The deadline is less than two weeks away.


AZUZ: All right. Before we go, you`ve probably heard of passing lanes and bike lanes.


AZUZ (voice-over): But Philadelphia tried something new this week: an e-lane. It`s for pedestrians who stare at their cell phone while they`re walking . The city rolled out the idea on Sunday -- April Fool`s Day -- and that is what this was. It was a little prank the city put together to raise awareness about not walking while texting. Certainly a contemporary problem. That street graphic of the stick figure texting --


AZUZ: -- that`s a sign of the times. The kind of elaborate prank may seem like a drastic step, but it`s definitely a creative way to make this issue a "lane" event. And besides, the standard public service announcement would have just seemed so pedestrian. For CNN Student News, I`m Carl Azuz.



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