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1756 [패턴영어] 마지막으로 ~한게 언제였어? When was the last time you fasted for a day? file chanyi 2016-09-26 1135
1755 [패턴영어] ~에 대해 비밀로 하고있어. T and J are being secretive about their relationship. file chanyi 2016-09-26 449
1754 [패턴영어] ~해 본적이 있어? Have you ever eaten alone in a restaurant? file chanyi 2016-09-18 1624
1753 [패턴영어] ~가 대서특필되다. She made the headlines by winning in the Olympics. file chanyi 2016-09-18 631
1752 [패턴영어] 1에서 10까지의 등급에서,,On a scale of 1 to 10, what's your pain level? file chanyi 2016-09-18 719
1751 [패턴영어] ~이 있어왔어. There’s been much debate over GMO food. file chanyi 2016-09-16 632
1750 [패턴영어] 아무리 ~할 지라도..No matter how bad a situation looks, it’ll change. file chanyi 2016-09-16 1266
1749 [패턴영어] ~은 ~할만한 거리에 있어. The shopping mall is within walking distance. file chanyi 2016-09-11 777
1748 [패턴영어] ~를 분간할수 있어. Can you tell if someone’s honest by first impressions? file chanyi 2016-09-11 585
1747 [패턴영어] ~하는게 어때? Why don’t I call you when I’m done? file chanyi 2016-09-07 1408
1746 [패턴영어] ~하는 최고의 방법은...The best way to succeed is to love your what you do. file chanyi 2016-09-07 662
1745 [패턴영어] ~과 관련하여 I need your financial advice related to my loan. file chanyi 2016-09-05 523
1744 [패턴영어] ~해야만 하나요? Do we have to wear ties at work here? file chanyi 2016-09-05 730
1743 [패턴영어] 왜 ~보다 ...하지? Why do I get drunk more quickly than you? file chanyi 2016-09-04 631
1742 [패턴영어] 초창기에는 The idea of sharing houses wasn’t popular in its early stages. file chanyi 2016-09-04 496
1741 [패턴영어] 마치 ~처럼. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. file chanyi 2016-09-04 1239
1740 [패턴영어] ~하지 않으면. Never give advice unless you are asked to. file chanyi 2016-09-04 684
1739 [패턴영어] ~에 투자해. We put too much time into reading gossip online. file chanyi 2016-09-04 598
1738 [패턴영어] ~에 압박을 받아서...She’s sensitive because she’s a little pushed for time. file chanyi 2016-09-03 609
1737 [패턴영어] ~해야해. You should train your puppy with treats first. file chanyi 2016-09-03 416
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