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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1716 [패턴영어] ~하는게 당연해. Drunk drivers deserve to lose their licenses. file chanyi 2016-08-08 769
1715 [패턴영어] ~의 근원이야. Bad eating habits are the root of all health problems. file chanyi 2016-08-08 633
1714 [패턴영어 ~하고 있어야 하는 거 아냐 Aren’t you supposed to be at the meeting now? file chanyi 2016-07-22 1273
1713 [패턴영어] 보통 어디서 ~해. Where do you usually go to have lunch? file chanyi 2016-07-22 1434
1712 [패턴영어] ~의 충고에 따라 ~하다. On his doctor’s advice, he rested for a full week. file chanyi 2016-07-21 768
1711 [패턴영어] ~에게 짐(부담)이 되고 싶지 않아. I don’t want to be a burden on you anymore. file chanyi 2016-07-21 2089
1710 [패턴영어] ~에 동의해. I agree with you on the date for our departure. file chanyi 2016-07-18 4647
1709 [패턴영어] ~부분이 ~해? What parts of the body lose fat first when dieting? file chanyi 2016-07-17 780
1708 [패턴영어] ~하면서 ~했어. I grew up listening to the Beatles all the time. file [1] chanyi 2016-07-16 4026
1707 [패턴영어] 일단 ~하면, ~하는거야. Once you say yes, you can’t take it back. file chanyi 2016-07-13 1195
1706 [패턴영어] ~에 따라 다르지(~하느냐에 달려있어) The meaning of success depends on who you ask. file chanyi 2016-07-13 1092
1705 [패턴영어] ~하는건 정말 짜증나는 일이야. It’s so frustrating to be stuck in a traffic jam. file chanyi 2016-07-13 1086
1704 [패턴영어] 가장 ~한 ~가 뭐야? What’s the most populated city in the world? file chanyi 2016-07-09 606
1703 [패턴영어] ~하기전에 ~해봐. Think it over before answering my question. file chanyi 2016-07-08 832
1702 [패턴영어] ~일 리 없어. What they said about him can’t be true. file chanyi 2016-07-07 679
1701 [패턴영어] ~하지는 못하겠는데. We won’t be able to get to the airport in time. file [1] chanyi 2016-07-05 960
1700 [패턴영어] ~가 다시 나왔어. The issue of harmful chemicals came out again. file [1] chanyi 2016-07-04 564
1699 [패턴영어] 절대 ~하지는 마. Never let anyone take away your happiness. file [1] chanyi 2016-07-04 635
1698 [패턴영어] ~하는줄 알았어요. I thought this treatment was covered by my insurance. file chanyi 2016-07-03 670
1697 [패턴영어] ~은 큰 힘이 돼. Your kind words always mean a lot to me. file chanyi 2016-07-01 25902
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