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1696 [패턴영어] 어떻게 우리가 ~할 수 있을까? How can we solve the population problem? file chanyi 2016-06-28 521
1695 [패턴영어] ~에 대해 설명해줘. Can you fill me in on what happen here? file [1] chanyi 2016-06-27 1199
1694 [패턴영어] 보통 비용이 얼마나 들지? How much does the average wedding cost in Korea? file chanyi 2016-06-26 813
1693 [패턴영어] ~를 ~하게하다. Tom had some flowers delivered for Mina’s birthday. file chanyi 2016-06-26 13598
1692 [패턴영어] ~하면서 ~에 있었어. I was in Spain doing my research for my novel. file chanyi 2016-06-26 1427
1691 [패턴영어] 만약 ~만 아니라면 ~할텐데. If it were not for his greed, he’d be really successful. file chanyi 2016-06-26 1309
1690 [패턴영어] 의문사 do you think 주어 동사 ~? When do you think I can have a robot butler? file chanyi 2016-06-26 2246
1689 [패턴영어] ~를 위한 날짜를 잡다. We still haven’t set a date for our wedding. file [1] chanyi 2016-06-19 1649
1688 [패턴영어] 시간을 다투어 ~하다. We’re working against the clock to meet the deadline. file chanyi 2016-06-19 741
1687 [패턴영어] A하는게 B하는것보다 나아. Making mistakes is better than doing nothing. file chanyi 2016-06-16 775
1686 [패턴영어] ~이 너의 ...를 심하게 해칠거야. Eating only junk food will badly damage your health. file chanyi 2016-06-15 625
1685 [패턴영어] ~할 만큼 ~해. Can I trust you enough to tell you my secrets? file [2] chanyi 2016-06-13 1098
1684 [패턴영어] ~는 ~하는데서 시작해. Happiness starts with not comparing yourself to others. file [1] chanyi 2016-06-12 905
1683 [패턴영어] ~에 ~를 두지. Most people place too much value on success. file [1] chanyi 2016-06-12 516
1682 [패턴영어] ~일지 몰라. She may not remember that we’ve met before. file chanyi 2016-06-12 749
1681 [패턴영어] 진짜 핵심은 ~이 ~하냐는 거지. The real question is whether this is all legal. file chanyi 2016-06-11 422
1680 [패턴영어] ~하는 것이 생각하는것보다 더 ~해. Saving the environment is easier than you think. file chanyi 2016-06-06 976
1679 [패턴영어] 차라리 ~하려고. I'd rather ask for forgiveness than permission. file chanyi 2016-06-06 1555
1678 [패턴영어] ~했어야 했는데..You should’ve given me an advance warning. file chanyi 2016-06-05 1450
1677 [패턴영어](~시간을) ~에 쓴다. We spend about one third of our lives sleeping. file chanyi 2016-06-05 872
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