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프렌즈 위드 베네핏 (2011)

Friends with Benefits 
윌 글럭
저스틴 팀버레이크, 밀라 쿠니스, 패트리샤 클락슨, 지나 엘프만, 브라이언 그린버그
로맨스/멜로, 코미디 | 미국 | 109 분 | 2011-10-27


Lorna:  Hey.

Jamie:  Yeah.

Lorna:  You and that Dylan? Way to go. I mean the whole friendship-sex thing.

          Kudos, baby, kudos.

         너랑 그 딜란이란 애 말이다. 파이팅! 순전히 우정과 섹스뿐이라.

         자랑스럽다, 얘야. 자랑스러워.

*This ought to mean kudos for you. 이것은 당신에게 명예로운 일임이 분명하다.

/Kudos, son. I'm proud of you. 자랑스럽단다, 아들아.

*Way to go! 잘한다!, 훌륭히 해냈어!


Jamie:  It's not that big of a deal. 뭐 대단한 것도 아닌데.

*’of a’ occurs more and more frequently in Nonstandard Common and Vulgar English in uses such as

  It’s not that big of a deal; She didn’t give too long of a talk;

  How hard of a job do you think it’ll be?


Lorna:  It's just surprising. I always thought you were a true-love kind of girl.

             그냥 놀라워. 넌 진정한 사랑을 찾는 아이라 늘 생각했거든.

Jamie:  Whatever, Mom. It's not like it's stopping me from anything.

            뭐 어쨌든, 엄마. 그것 때문에 내가 아무것도 못하는 것도 아니고.

Lorna:  That's what I thought back in '78. And every year since. I'm just... I'm flattered, actually.

           The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's just surprising. There, done. It's...        

            There we go.  

          나도 78년에는 그렇게 생각했었단다. 그 후로도 매년. 그냥 우쭐해 지는구나.

          모전여전이라지. 놀라워. , 다됐다. 어디 보자.

*The apple doesn't fall far from the tree: kids are like their parents; a chip off the old block; like father, like son / I looked at the father, then at the son, and I thought, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Jamie:  Okay. 좋아.

Lorna:  You look great! You look great. You look like a princess. Yeah!

           예쁘다. 예뻐. 공주님 같아. 그래!

Jamie:  Really? 정말?

Lorna:  Yeah. 그럼.

Jamie:  Okay. 좋아.

Lorna:  Hey, my friend gave me his house in Montauk for July 4th.

           Let's you and me go away together. No men, no bullshit. Just mother-daughter.

           Like a Nora Ephron movie. When was the last time we spent a full weekend together?

          참, 내 친구가 7 4일 몬탁에 있는 자기 집을 빌려 줬어. 같이 멀리 가자꾸나.

          남자도 없고 짜증낼 일도 없고. 그냥 엄마랑 딸이랑. 노라 에프런 영화처럼 말이다.

          우리가 마지막으로 주말을 몽땅 같이 보낸 게 언제야?

*Nora Ephron (born May 19, 1941) is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, novelist, playwright, journalist, author, and blogger. She is best known for her romantic comedies and is a triple nominee for the Academy Award for Writing Original Screenplay for three films: Silkwood, When Harry Met Sally... and Sleepless in Seattle.


Jamie:  When I was eight, that time in Vermont. We got snowed in with the ski instructor.

            내가 여덟 살 때. 버몬트에서. 스키강사랑 눈 속에 갇혔잖아.

Lorna:  Demitri. 드미트리.

Jamie:  Bill. 빌이었어.

Lorna:  He reminded me a lot of your father. Dark curls, olive skin, Cold War accent.

            그 사람이 네 아버지의 많은 걸 생각나게 했지. 진한 곱슬에. 올리브빛 피부,

냉전시대나 듣던 억양하며.

Jamie:  My father was Russian? 아빠가 러시아인이었어.

Lorna:  I don't remember. But what I do remember is we drank a lot of vodka

          and shot a lot of guns.

         기억 안 난다. 하지만 기억하는 건 우리가 술을 진탕 마시고 총을 엄청 쏘아댄 것 뿐이야.

Jamie:  Mom, this "who's your daddy" game is getting really old.

          엄마, 이 아빠 찾기 게임 정말 오래했다.

Lorna:  I know I haven't been the best mother in the world...

           내가 좋은 엄마가 못됐다는 거 안다

Jamie:  I'm sorry, were you waiting for me to jump in?

           미안, 내가 말이라도 거들기 기다린 거야?

*jump in 남의 이야기에 끼어들다.

Lorna:  Come on! Go away with me. Come on! Come on. Come on.

          제발!   나랑 같이 가자. 제발! , 어서.

Jamie:  Okay, we'll do it. It'll be fun, yeah? Mom...

          알았어. 같이 가. 재밌을 거야. 그럼. 엄마

Lorna:  I was trying to bond! It was either this or sniff glue.

            너랑 친해지려고 그랬어! 아님 본드라도 같이 할래?

*Glue sniffing is similar to taking drugs. The fumes get to the brain by being absorbed through the lungs. The fumes make you light headed and numb. Some people get high, but develop a mean hangover a few hours later.

원문출처 :


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2014.03.16 23:29:00


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커뮤니티학생의방교사의 방일반영어진로와 진학영어회화