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1) Pattern Tallk

Would anybody like to + 동사원형?
누구 ~하고 싶은 사람?

Would anybody like to order?
누구 주문할 사람?

Would anybody like to make a wish?
누구 소원 빌 사람?

Would anybody like to trip the light fantastic?
누구 춤출 사람?

Would anybody like to do a road trip?
누구 장거리 (자동차) 여행할 사람?

Would anybody like to tell me what's up?
누구 나한테 무슨 일인지 말해 줄 사람?

  2) Role Play
A : Would anybody like to order?

누구 주문할 사람?

B : Me ! I'm starving !

저요 ! 배고파 죽겠어요 !

A : I heard that.


출처: 굿모닝팝스 2010.07.20
패턴 영어회화, 패턴영어
List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수

I have a sales rep coming. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-09-07
  • 조회 수 2665

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m8db35749c3c26f7f4f096ca8e4b3b0fc2491") I have a + 명사 + coming. ~이 오기로 되어 있어. I have a visitor coming. 방문객이 오기로 되어있어. I have a sales rep coming. 외판원이 오기로 되어있어 I have a customer coming. 고객이 오기로 되어있어. I have a classmate coming. 반 친구가 오기로 되어있어. I have a church member coming. 교회 신도가 오기로 되어 있어. 2) Role Play A: Are you going to buy a new TV? 새 텔레비전 살 거야? B: Yep. I have a sales re...

I can't believe how dumb he is. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-09-06
  • 조회 수 2389

Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m772330783093bbbf8e909a83acb396531758") I can't believe how + 형용사 + he is. 그가 얼마나 ~한지 믿을 수가 없어. I can't believe how bold he is. 그가 얼마나 대담한지 믿을 수가 없어. I can't believe how dumb he is. 그가 얼마나 바보 같은지 믿을 수가 없어. I can't believe how lucky he is. 그가 얼마나 운이 좋은지 믿을 수가 없어. I can't believe how ahead he is. 그가 얼마나 앞서가는지 믿을 수가 없어. I can't believe how stingy he is. 그가 얼마나 쩨쩨한지...

He's looking forward to finding work. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-09-03
  • 조회 수 2763

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "meab378e4b7e950f9a52197072f24f0b55784") He's looking forward to + ~ing. 그는 ~하기를 고대하고 있어. He's looking forward to retiring. 그는 은퇴하기를 고대하고 있어. He's looking forward to finding work. 그는 취직하기를 고대하고 있어. He's looking forward to hitting the sack. 그는 잠자리에 들기를 고대하고 있어. He's looking forward to hearing from her. 그는 그녀의 소식을 듣기를 고대하고 있어. He's looking forward to meeting you. 그는 널 만나기를 ...

What do you have to contribute? file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-09-02
  • 조회 수 3108

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "mca81e15a40314a6aa620c1693c08dcdb4642") What do you have to + 동사원형? 무엇을 해야만 해? What do you have to say? 무엇을 말해야만 해? What do you have to prove? 무엇을 증명해야만 해? What do you have to pick up? 무엇을 수령해야만 해? What do you have to contribute? 무엇을 기여해야만 해? What do you have to accomplish? 무엇을 이루어야만 해? 2) Role Play A : Our fund raising event will be fun ! 우리 기금 모금 행사 재미있을 거야. B : What do you h...

It seems like my birthday. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-09-01
  • 조회 수 3432

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m433ea409e57496148a290333e4f4cb443478") It seems like + 명사. ~처럼 느껴져. It seems like fall. 가을처럼 느껴져. It seems like prison. 감옥처럼 느껴져. It seems like drudgery. 힘든 일처럼 느껴져. It seems like a miracle. 기적처럼 느껴져. It seems like my birthday. 내 생일처럼 느껴져. 2) Role Play A : I've got a little something for you. 널 위해 작은 거 하나 준비했어. B : Wow ! It seems like my birthday. 이야. 꼭 내 생일 같은데? A : It's just a s...

You seem pretty agitated. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-31
  • 조회 수 3391

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "mb7a32716ea70f8c49ca279b4ae5585683057") You seem pretty + 형용사. 너 꽤 ~해보인다. You seem pretty tired. 너 꽤 피곤해 보인다. You seem pretty agitated. 너 꽤 혼란스러워 보인다. You seem pretty steamed. 너 꽤 화난 것 처럼 보인다. You seem pretty bummed. 너 꽤 낙담한 것처럼 보인다. You seem pretty knackered. 너 꽤 기진맥진해 보인다. 2) Role Play A : You seem pretty agitated. 너 꽤 혼란스러워 보인다. B : Someone crooked my cell. 누군가 내 휴대 전...

Why don't I give you a lift? file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-30
  • 조회 수 3511

Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m27f955aa80fcaf89be92e59dde82e6919107") Why don't I + 동사원형? 제가 ~ 하면 어떨까요? * Why don't I give you a lift? 제가 태워다 드리면 어떨까요? * Why don't I see for myself? 제가 (사실인지) 직접 확인하면 어떨까요? * Why don't I lend you a hand? 제가 도와 드리면 어떨까요? * Why don't I postpone till later? 제가 나중으로 연기하면 어떨까요? * Why don't I make you some lunch? 제가 점심을 좀 차려 드리면 어떨까요? Role Play A : I'm late! A : 나 늦었어!...

Would anybody like to order? file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-29
  • 조회 수 3319

1) Pattern Tallk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m66018e20a4ccc70104c6f2f19d2f78e85749") Would anybody like to + 동사원형? 누구 ~하고 싶은 사람? Would anybody like to order? 누구 주문할 사람? Would anybody like to make a wish? 누구 소원 빌 사람? Would anybody like to trip the light fantastic? 누구 춤출 사람? Would anybody like to do a road trip? 누구 장거리 (자동차) 여행할 사람? Would anybody like to tell me what's up? 누구 나한테 무슨 일인지 말해 줄 사람? 2) Role Play A : Would anybody like ...

You told me not to lie. file [1]

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-29
  • 조회 수 3247

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 You told me not to 동사원형. 네가 나에게 ~하지 말라고 했잖아. You told me not to lie. 네가 나에게 거짓말하지 말라고 했잖아. You told me not to do it. 네가 나에게 그거 하지 말라고 했잖아. You told me not to bring it up. 네가 나에게 그 얘기 꺼내지 말라고 했잖아. You told me not to waste my time. 네가 나에게 시간 낭비하지 말라고 했잖아. You told me not to expect too much. 네가 나에게 너무 많은 걸 기대하지 말라고 했잖아 2) Role Play A : Why did you say I look heav...

We could barely hear her voice. file [1]

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-27
  • 조회 수 3241

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m841d359b3d14bb385f2a819b4bbd679e9704") We could barely afford 명사. 우린 간신히 ~했어. We could barely afford it. 우린 간신히 감당했어. We could barely eat a thing. 우린 간신히 뭐 좀 먹었어. We could barely hear her voice. 우린 간신히 그녀의 목소리를 들었어. We could barely stand the smell. 우린 간신히 그 냄새를 맡았어. We could barely read his chicken scratch. 우린 간신히 그의 개발 글씨를 이해했어. 2) Practice More A : Our seats were at the ba...

I'm going to ask him to hold off. file [1]

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-26
  • 조회 수 3274

아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "mac0b27511db5fcd22114514d08f2ed2e4851") Pattern Talk I'm going to ask him to + 동사원형. 그에게 ~해 달라고 할 거야. I'm going to ask him to stop. 그에게 멈춰 달라고 할 거에요. I'm going to ask him to switch. 그에게 바꿔 달라고 할 거에요. I'm going to ask him to pitch in. 그에게 십시일반 해달라고 할 거에요. I'm going to ask him to hold off. 그에게 미뤄 달라고 할 거에요. I'm going to ask him to try again. 그에게 다시 해 달라고 할 거에요. Role Play A : Jack wants ...

Don't you think he is loud? file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-25
  • 조회 수 3100

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "ma8cd7ddfc0d1afbf35969c52040555265418") Don't you think he is 형용사? 그가 ~한것 같지 않아? Don't you think he is loud? 그가 시끄러운 것 같지 않아? Don't you think he is talented? 그가 재능이 있는 것 같지 않아? Don't you think he is generous? 그가 관대한 것 같지 않아? Don't you think he is energetic? 그가 활동적인 것 같지 않아? Don't you think he is humorous? 그가 익살스러운 것 같지 않아? Ted is a good public speaker. 테드는 연설을 참 잘해. 패턴...

I forgot to turn off the gas. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-24
  • 조회 수 3586

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m24ecb514bbe07fc8073e52997704196b3294") I forgot to + 동사원형. ~하는 걸 깜박 했네. I forgot to remind you. 너한테 상기시켜 주는 걸 깜빡했네. I forgot to pay the bill. 공과금 내는 걸 깜빡했네. I forgot to ring you up. 너한테 전화하기로 한 걸 깜빡했네. I forgot to send the file. 파일 보내는 걸 깜빡했네. I forgot to turn off the gas. 가스 잠그는 걸 깜빡했네. 2) Role Play A : I have to go back home. 나 집에 돌아가야 해. B : Why? What's up? 왜? 무슨...

How much should I get for you? file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-24
  • 조회 수 3279

1) Pattern Talk How much should I 동사원형? 내가 얼마나 ~해야 돼? How much should I pay? 내가 얼마나 내면 돼? How much should I put in? 내가 얼마나 집어넣으면(투자하면) 돼? How much should I get for you? 내가 얼마나 갖다주면 돼? How much should I tell your friend? 내가 얼마라고 친구한테 말해줘야 하는데? How much should I forgive and forget? 내가 얼마나 깨끗이 잊어야 되는데? 2) Role play A: Buy me some fruits, please 나 과일 좀 사다 줘 B: How much should I get for you? 내가 얼마나 가져다 줘야 하...

I was showering when you called me. file [1]

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-23
  • 조회 수 3458

아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m243ffd2edaefef59963506673337b52c5127") 1) Pattern Talk I was + ~ing + when you called me. 네가 전화했을 때 ~하는 중이었어. I was driving when you called me. 네가 전화했을 때 운전하는 중이었어. I was cooking when you called me. 네가 전화했을 때 요리하는 중이었어. I was sleeping when you called me. 네가 전화했을 때 자는 중이었어. I was working when you called me. 네가 전화했을 때 일하는 중이었어. I was showering when you called me. 네가 전화했을 때 샤워하는 중이...

Who was the first person to phone you? file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-22
  • 조회 수 3223

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m72606a071d5e2dead8f98d93d5ca06e18316") Who was the first person to + 동사원형? 맨 처음 ~한 사람이 누구였어? Who was the first person to quit? 맨 처음 그만 둔 사람이 누구였어? Who was the first person to know? 맨 처음 안 사람이 누구였어? Who was the first person to get here? 맨 처음 여기 온 사람이 누구였어? Who was the first person to phone you? 맨 처음 너한테 전화한 사람이 누구였어? Who was the first person to think of it? 맨 처음 그걸 생각한 ...

I'm Glad to hear the news. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-22
  • 조회 수 3836

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "me401b3062426a5e7f22bbf57621c30328095") [I'm] Glad to + 동사원형. ~해서 기뻐. [I'm] Glad to lend a hand. 도와주게 되어 기뻐. [I'm] Glad to be of service. 도움이 되어서 기뻐. [I'm] Glad to hear the news. 그 소식을 들어서 기뻐. [I'm] Glad to get to meet you. 널 만나게 되어서 기뻐. [I'm] Glad to have the chance. 기회를 갖게 되어서 기뻐. 2) Role Play A : I received a wedding proposal. 나 청혼 받았어. B : I'm Glad to hear the news. 그 소식 들어서 기...

I can take you to the airport. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-22
  • 조회 수 3809

아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m76008378c7a0c0469bb6df2557a850cb4762") 1) Pattern Talk I can take you to + 명사 (장소). 내가 너희를 ~에 데려갈 수 있어. I can take you to the river. 내가 너희를 강에 데려갈 수 있어. I can take you to the station. 내가 너희를 역에 데려갈 수 있어. I can take you to the airport. 내가 너희를 공항에 데려갈 수 있어. I can take you to a nice restaurant. 내가 너희를 멋진 식당에 데려갈 수 있어. I can take you to a tourist attraction. 내가 너희를 관광 명소에 데려갈 수 ...

I will chow down as long as I can. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-21
  • 조회 수 74649

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m7ed9e4055d0c73abf72d0e1ada0e136c554") I will + 동사원형 + as long as I can. 내가 최대한 ~할게. I will wait as long as I can. 내가 최대한 기다릴게. I will read as long as I can. 내가 최대한 읽을게. I will listen as long as I can. 내가 최대한 들을게. I will hold out as long as I can. 내가 최대한 버텨볼게. I will chow down as long as I can. 내가 최대한 먹을게. 2) Role Play A : This buttet is very pricey. 이 뷔페는 정말 비싸다. B : I will chow down...

I've been so worn out these days. file

  • chanyi
  • 2010-08-21
  • 조회 수 5207

1) Pattern Talk 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "ma7de1743f9f0e6e1a15b6f4825fa2d7a307") I've been so 형용사 these day. 요즘 너무 ~했어. I've been so gruff these days. 요즘 너무 무뚝뚝했어. I've been so lucky these days. 요즘 정말 운이 좋았어. I've been so tied up these days. 요즘 너무 바빴어. I've been so upbeat these days. 요즘 정말 부푼 기분이었어. I've been so worn out these days. 요즘 너무 지쳤어. 2) Role Play A : How come you're so down in the mouth? 왜 그렇게 우울해? B : I've been so worn...

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