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Passion is a must!

조회 수 1432 추천 수 1 2011.03.04 15:03:00

1) Pattern Talk

명사+ is a must!

~ 은 필수지!

Passion is a must!

열정은 필수지!

Practice is a must!

연습은 필수지!

Exercise is a must!

운동은 필수지!

Vitamin C is a must!

비타민 C는 필수지!

A computer is a must!

컴퓨터는 필수지!

2) Role Play

A: What's the key to success?

성공의 열쇠가 뭐야?


B: Passion is a must!

B: 열정은 필수지!

A: I've got to turn it up, then.

A: 그럼 더욱 노력해야겠는걸!


출처: 굿모닝팝스 2011.03.04

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