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한국명절 영어이름

일반 조회 수 2734 추천 수 0 2010.02.21 17:55:04

설날 : New Year’s (Day) ; the first of the year.

    ==> 신정 : the first day of the New Year ; the New Year’s day.

         구정 : the New Year’s Day by the lunar calender ; the lunar New Year.


정월대보름 : the 15th of January


삼일절 : the anniversary of the Independence Movement of March 1st, 1919.


식목일 : Arbor Day.


어린이날 : Children’s Day.


어버이날 : the ***s Day.


석가탄신일 : the Buddha’s Birthday.


스승의날 : the ***s’s Day.


성년의날 : Coming-of-Age Day.


단오 : the Tano Festival (on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month).


현충일 : the Memorial Day.


제헌절 : Con-stitution Day.


칠석 : the seventh evening of the seventh month of the lunar calendar ; the Vega festival.


광복절 : National Liberation Day.


추석 : Ch’us?k

         the Korean Thanks-giving Day (which falls on the 15th of August by lunar calendar).

         the Full-moon Harvest Day.


국군의날 : Armed Forces Day.


개천절 : the National Foundation Day (of Korea); Tangun’s Accession Day.


한글날 : Hang?l Proclamation Day.


동지 : the 11th and 12th lunar months; the coldest winter months.

엮인글 :
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