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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1156 [패턴영어] It’s 형용사 to 동사 what makes a good 명사. file chanyi 2014-06-03 1501
1155 [패턴 영어회화] How can I keep + ~? file chanyi 2014-06-02 930
1154 [패턴 영어회화] A + is attracting + B + now. file chanyi 2014-05-30 850
1153 [패턴영어회화] A + will keep + B + longer. file chanyi 2014-05-29 816
1152 [패턴 영어회화] A + is not easy, but you can ~. file chanyi 2014-05-28 844
1151 [패턴 영어회화] A + will be a new cash cow for + B. file chanyi 2014-05-27 1003
1150 [패턴 영어회화] I’m + -ing + ~. ~? file [1] chanyi 2014-05-26 1008
1149 [패턴영어] What do + A + mean? file [1] chanyi 2014-05-23 988
1148 [패턴영어] A(-ing) + while + B(-ing) + is dangerous. file chanyi 2014-05-22 1192
1147 [패턴영어회화] A + first to be + ~. ~하려면 먼저 A하라고. file [1] chanyi 2014-05-21 914
1146 [패턴 영어회화] ~ is the hardest thing for me. file [1] chanyi 2014-05-20 1072
1145 [패턴영어회화] What’s your definition of ~? file [2] chanyi 2014-05-19 762
1144 [패턴영어] Remember! You become what you + 동사. file [1] chanyi 2014-05-18 759
1143 [패턴영어] Let’s learn how to ~. 어떻게 ~하는지 배웁시다. file chanyi 2014-05-16 657
1142 [패턴영어] ~ + only as much as you need. file [1] chanyi 2014-05-15 827
1141 [패턴영어] Thank you for ~. ~해 주셔서 감사드려요. file chanyi 2014-05-15 1561
1140 [패턴영어] Teach your kids to ~. file [1] chanyi 2014-05-13 721
1139 [패턴영어회화] I look forward to + A + that + B. file [2] chanyi 2014-05-12 1242
1138 [패턴영어회화] Make your + A + by+ B. file [1] chanyi 2014-05-09 994
1137 [패턴 영어회화] What’s the best gift for~? file [1] chanyi 2014-05-08 652
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