Pattern Talk
What are you doing for + A?
너 A를 위해 뭐 할 거야?
<Step 1>
너 이번 봄 방학에 뭐 할거야?
What are you doing for this spring break?
너 여름 방학에 뭐 할거야?
What are you doing for the summer vacation?
너 생일에 뭐 할거야?
What are you doing for your birthday?
너 주말에 뭐 할거야?
What are you doing for the weekend?
너 저녁식사 때 뭐 할거야?
What are you doing for dinner?
너 장기자랑프로그램에서 뭐 할거야?
What are you doing for the talent show?
너 감기퇴치를 위해 뭐 할거야?
What are you doing for your cold?
너 환경 보호를 위해 뭐 할거야?
What are you doing for the environment?
<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: What are you doing for this spring break?
너 이번 봄 방학에 뭐 할 거야?
B: I’m undecided
아직 결정하지 못했어.
Dialogue 2
A: What are you doing for your birthday?
너 생일에 뭐 할 거야?
B: I’m sleeping in and eating cake.
늦잠을 자고 케이크를 먹을 거야.
Dialogue 3
A: What are you doing for the environment?
너 환경보호를 위해 뭐 할 거야?
B: I don’t drive a car.
나 차를 안 몰아.
영어회화로 패턴영어추천해요.