글 수 1,856
1) Pattern Talk
I’m afraid that won’t be 형용사.
~할 것 같지가 않아.
I’m afraid that won’t be ready.
난 준비될 것 같지가 않아.
I’m afraid that won’t be
난 가능할 것 같지가 않아.
I’m afraid that won’t be
난 이용가능할 것 같지가 않아.
I’m afraid that won’t be
up to you.
난 그거 너 한테 달려있지가 않아.
I’m afraid that won’t be negotiable.
2) Role Play
A: Do you think they lowered price?
A: 그들이 가격을 높일 것이라고 생각해?
B: I’m afraid that won’t be negotiable.
B: 협상 가능할 것 같지 않은데.
A: I can’t afford it then.
A: 난 감당할 수가 없어.