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128 통문장암기 [통문장 영어55] I make it a rule to draw a line between public and private affairs. chanyi 872 2014-11-01
127 통문장암기 [통문장 영어54] In deciding on a career, it is important to understand your true interests. chanyi 612 2014-10-29
126 통문장암기 [통문장 영어53]Lamarck's theory of evolution has now been revived by a number of biologists chanyi 883 2014-10-26
125 통문장암기 [통문장 영어52] One good job, paying twelve dollars an hour, was filled in fifteen minutes. chanyi 810 2014-10-19
124 통문장암기 [통문장 영어51] Timothy takes after his mother in personality and his father in appearance. chanyi 757 2014-10-19
123 통문장암기 [통문장 영어50] Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized. file chanyi 1275 2014-09-15
122 통문장암기 [통문장 영어49] In spite of the police, there is usually a certain amount of vice in all big cities. chanyi 909 2014-09-15
121 통문장암기 [통문장 영어48] The civilization had as the basis of its very existence two great engineering achievement chanyi 890 2014-09-15
120 통문장암기 [통문장 영어47] How many languages are now spoken or were spoken in the past chanyi 917 2014-09-15
119 통문장암기 [통문장 영어46] Although the situation called for swift action, we were at a loss what to do chanyi 756 2014-09-15
118 통문장암기 [통문장 영어45] Unless you witnessed what happened, you had better not make a wild guess. chanyi 800 2014-09-14
117 통문장암기 [통문장 영어44] My heart leaps when I behold a rainbow in the sky. chanyi 903 2014-09-14
116 통문장암기 [통문장 영어43] The biosphere is the part of the Earth's environment where life exists. chanyi 671 2014-09-14
115 통문장암기 [통문장 영어42] The 'New World' found by Columbus was actually an old world chanyi 734 2014-09-14
114 통문장암기 [통문장 영어41] A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become known chanyi 748 2014-09-14
113 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기40] Teenagers should be aware of the fact that endurance is an essential ingredient chanyi 808 2014-09-08
112 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기39] The important idea is that our self-image is formed by our beliefs, not simply by our past experiences. chanyi 693 2014-09-08
111 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기38] Ask not what your country can do for you chanyi 775 2014-09-01
110 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기37] What the nonverbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. chanyi 738 2014-08-31
109 통문장암기 [통문장 영어암기36] I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. chanyi 713 2014-08-31
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