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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1776 [패턴영어] 그 누구도 ~건 싫어하지. No one likes waiting too long for their doctor. file chanyi 2016-10-23 641
1775 [패턴영어] 뭐하러 ~해. Why bother to exercise if you keep eating like that? file chanyi 2016-10-23 771
1774 [패턴영어] 왜 그렇게 ~한거지? Why does talking a walk feel so refreshing? file chanyi 2016-10-23 543
1773 [패턴영어] ~은 축복이자 저주이지. A big success at an early age is a mixed blessing. file chanyi 2016-10-23 776
1772 [패턴영어] ~만큼 ~해. She’s probably as lonely as you are now. file chanyi 2016-10-23 499
1771 [패턴영어] ~에 대한 너의 생각은 뭐야? What’s your reading of Joel’s new book? file chanyi 2016-10-23 727
1770 [패턴영어] 만약 ~한다면 ~할까? What would you do if you won the lottery? file chanyi 2016-10-23 1341
1769 [패턴영어] 비록 ~이지만 ~할수있을까? Can I buy a house, even though I’m only 10? file chanyi 2016-10-09 1262
1768 [패턴영어] ~해야만 했어. I had to give up my ticket for the magic show. file chanyi 2016-10-09 647
1767 [패턴영어] ~하는게 안전하지 않은가? Is it not safe to use a microwave to cook food? file chanyi 2016-10-09 585
1766 [패턴영어] ~때가 있었나? Has there been a time when there was no war? file chanyi 2016-10-09 504
1765 [패턴영어] 사람들이 ~를 잃고 있나? Are people losing trust in politicians? file chanyi 2016-10-03 446
1764 [패턴영어] ~가 아니라, ~해. Do what is right, not what is easy. file chanyi 2016-10-03 977
1763 [패턴영어] 대체로 ~해찌. It was a tough game, but all in all our team did well. file chanyi 2016-10-03 489
1762 [패턴영어] ~를 함께 했지. We are working together on a project for children. file chanyi 2016-10-03 518
1761 [패턴영어] 어떻게 ~하지 않는거야? How come we never see baby pigeons? file chanyi 2016-10-03 41599
1760 [패턴영어] ~할 때가 올거야. There comes a time when you realize who matters. file chanyi 2016-10-03 931
1759 [패턴영어] ~한 장소야. I know a place where you can see lots of celebs. file chanyi 2016-09-26 623
1758 [패턴영어] 범위가 ~에서 ....야. The volunteers range from kids to elders. file chanyi 2016-09-26 543
1757 [패턴영어] ~가 ~하는게 마음에 들지않아. I’m not happy about Kate being late each time. file chanyi 2016-09-26 801
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