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Pattern Talk

What's your secret of + ~ing?
~하는 비결이 뭐니?

What's your secret of succeeding?
성공하는 비결이 뭐니?

What's your secret of staying happy?
행복하게 지내는 비결이 뭐니?


What's your secret of cooking well?
요리를 잘하는 비결이 뭐니?

What's your secret of losing weight?
살 빼는 비결이 뭐니?

What's your secret of making friends?
친구 사귀는 비결이 뭐니?


Role Play

A : What's your secret of making friends?
친구 사귀는 비결이 뭐니?

B : I'm considerate and I listen well.
난 남을 잘 배려하고, 얘기를 잘 들어줘.

A : I should be more like you.
나도 너 같은 사람이 되도록 해야겠어.

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
396 [~하게 되었어.] I've come to + 동사. file chanyi 2011-11-16 2944
395 [난 우연히 ~했어.] I + 과거동사 + by chance. file chanyi 2011-11-16 1581
394 [난 ~에 약해] I'm prone to + 명사. file chanyi 2011-11-16 1729
393 [~했을 때 뭐라고 했어?] What did you say to Susan when I + 동사? file chanyi 2011-11-14 1823
392 [~를 본적있어.] I've seen + 명사. file chanyi 2011-11-14 5057
391 [~할 수 있으면 좋겠어.] Hopefully, we can + 동사원형. file chanyi 2011-11-14 1566
390 [언제 ~하고 싶어?] When do you want to + 동사? file chanyi 2011-11-12 1885
389 [~해야 할 것 같아.] I think we should + 동사. file chanyi 2011-11-12 1648
388 [뭣 때문인지 난 ~할 수 없었어.] I couldn't + 동사원형 + for some reason. file chanyi 2011-11-11 1827
387 [넌 ~할 수 없을 거야.] You won't be able to + 동사원형. file chanyi 2011-11-11 2560
386 [~하면 안 되는 거야?] Can't I + 동사원형? file chanyi 2011-11-09 1473
385 [~인 것으로 밝혀졌어.] It turned out to be + 명사. file chanyi 2011-11-09 1718
384 [~할 사람이 필요해.] I need someone to + 동사. file chanyi 2011-11-09 1941
383 [누가 ~하지 않겠어?] Who doesn't + 동사? file chanyi 2011-11-09 1397
382 [~해도 해 될 것 없다] There's no harm in + ~ing. file chanyi 2011-11-09 1611
381 [~드릴까요?] Would you care for + 명사? file chanyi 2011-11-09 2375
» [~하는 비결이 뭐니?] What's your secret of + ~ing? file chanyi 2011-11-08 2849
379 [ ~할지 잘 모르겠어.] I’m not sure if I will + 동사원형. file chanyi 2011-11-08 2212
378 [네가 ~해서 기뻐] I'm glad you are + 형/부. file chanyi 2011-11-06 1602
377 [시험삼아 ~해 봤어.] I tried + ing. file [1] chanyi 2011-11-06 1867
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