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Pattern Talk

I knew he would + 동사. 
그가 ~할 줄 알았어.


I knew he would like it.
그가 그걸 마음에 들어할 줄 알았어.

I knew he would join us.
그가 우리와 함께할 줄 알았어.

I knew he would wait for us.
그가 우릴 기다릴 줄 알았어.

I knew he would ask her out.
그가 그녀에게 데이트 신청할 줄 알았어.

I knew he would refuse that offer.
그가 그 제안을 거절할 줄 알았어.


Role Play

여 : Did you give Jerry that CD?
제리한테 CD 전해줬어?

남 : Sure, I did. He was so pleased and wanted me to thank you!
응, 그럼. 아주 기뻐했고, 너한테 고맙다고 전해달래.

여 : I knew he would like it. He's a big fan of hers.
걔가 좋아할 줄 알았어. 그녀의 열렬한 팬이거든.

굿모닝 팝스 2010.02.15

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