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Pattern Talk

Would you like me to +동사원형?     
내가 ~해 줄까요? ~할까요?

Would you like me to explain.jpg

Would you like me to explain?
내가 설명해 줄까요?

Would you like me to
go first?
내가 먼저 할까요?

Would you like me to make a toast?
내가 토스트를 구울까요?

Would you like me to show you how?
내가 어떻게 하는지 알려 줄까요?

Would you like me to
내가 뭘 좀 가져올까요?


Role Play

A: I don't get this. It's over my head.
A: 이거 이해가 안 돼. 내 수준 이상이야.

B: Would you like me to explain?
B: 내가 설명해 줄까?

A: Fire away! It won't be the first time.
A: 해줘! 이런 일 처음이 아니거든.

* 대화 속 영어 표현 정리

* I don't get this. : 이거 이해가 안 돼.

* It's over my head. : 내 수준 이상이야.

* would you like me to explain? : 내가 설명해 줄까?

* Fire away! : 해줘!

* It won't be the first time. : 이런 일이 처음은 아니야.

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
476 [~하기 위해선 뭐가 필요할까?] What would it take to + 동사원형? file chanyi 2011-12-22 2240
475 [~에 얼마 들었니?] How much did you pay for + 명사? file chanyi 2011-12-21 1736
474 [난 ~에 끌렸어.] I was attracted to + 명사. file [1] chanyi 2011-12-20 1683
473 [뭘 ~했는지 알아?] Do you know what we + 과거동사? file chanyi 2011-12-19 3223
472 [내 생각엔 ~ 같은데.] I felt like I’m ~ . file chanyi 2011-12-19 3498
471 [~한다면 좋을 텐데.] It would be nice if you + 과거동사. file chanyi 2011-12-19 3037
470 [~할 이유가 없어.] There's no reason to + 동사. file chanyi 2011-12-17 1723
469 [~하지 않다는 사실을 인정하렴.] Face it; you're not +형용사. file chanyi 2011-12-17 1579
468 [난 거의 ~하지 않아.] I hardly + 동사원형. file [1] chanyi 2011-12-16 1771
467 [그녀는 ~하지 못하는 것 같아.] She can't seem to +동사원형. file chanyi 2011-12-15 1869
466 [분명히 ~할 거야.] He's certain to + 동사원형. file [1] chanyi 2011-12-14 1671
465 [더 ~하기로 결심 했는데.] I promise myself I would + verb + more. file chanyi 2011-12-13 1784
» [내가 ~해 줄까요?] Would you like me to +동사원형? file chanyi 2011-12-13 3254
463 [오랫동안 ~하지 않았어.] I didn't + 동사원형 + for a long time. file chanyi 2011-12-12 1957
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460 [~하는게 하나 있어.] There is one thing I 동사. file chanyi 2011-12-11 1852
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457 [~하다니 믿을 수가 없어.] I can't believe I'm ~ing. file chanyi 2011-12-11 2571
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