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Pattern Talk

There's no reason to + 동사.
 ~할 이유가 없어.
There's no reason to wait.
기다릴 이유가 없어.
There's no reason to feel sad.
슬퍼할 이유가 없어.
There's no reason to say that.
그런 말을 할 이유가 없어.

There's no reason to get mad.
화낼 이유가 없어.
There's no reason to pay more..jpg There's no reason to pay more.
돈을 더 낼 이유가 없어.
There's no reason to start over.
다시 시작할 이유가 없어.

There's no reason to start a flight.
싸움을 벌일 이유가 없어.
There's no reason to believe that.
그걸 믿을 이유가 없어.

Role Play 
A: I assume that book will be cheaper on the Internet. 
그 책은 인터넷이 더 쌀 거야.

B: But I'd rather buy it here. 
그렇지만 난 그냥 여기서 살래.
A: There's no reason to pay more. 
돈을 뭐 하러 더 내.

B : I agree, but I need it right away.
  맞아, 근데 난 그 책이 지금 당장 필요하거든.
List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
476 [~하기 위해선 뭐가 필요할까?] What would it take to + 동사원형? file chanyi 2011-12-22 2240
475 [~에 얼마 들었니?] How much did you pay for + 명사? file chanyi 2011-12-21 1736
474 [난 ~에 끌렸어.] I was attracted to + 명사. file [1] chanyi 2011-12-20 1683
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472 [내 생각엔 ~ 같은데.] I felt like I’m ~ . file chanyi 2011-12-19 3498
471 [~한다면 좋을 텐데.] It would be nice if you + 과거동사. file chanyi 2011-12-19 3037
» [~할 이유가 없어.] There's no reason to + 동사. file chanyi 2011-12-17 1723
469 [~하지 않다는 사실을 인정하렴.] Face it; you're not +형용사. file chanyi 2011-12-17 1579
468 [난 거의 ~하지 않아.] I hardly + 동사원형. file [1] chanyi 2011-12-16 1771
467 [그녀는 ~하지 못하는 것 같아.] She can't seem to +동사원형. file chanyi 2011-12-15 1869
466 [분명히 ~할 거야.] He's certain to + 동사원형. file [1] chanyi 2011-12-14 1671
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463 [오랫동안 ~하지 않았어.] I didn't + 동사원형 + for a long time. file chanyi 2011-12-12 1957
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460 [~하는게 하나 있어.] There is one thing I 동사. file chanyi 2011-12-11 1852
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458 [10분뒤에 ~가 있어요.] I have sth in 10 minutes. file chanyi 2011-12-11 1965
457 [~하다니 믿을 수가 없어.] I can't believe I'm ~ing. file chanyi 2011-12-11 2571
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