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기타 Exam Skills-Use it or lose it | BBC

2010.03.01 13:46

Chanyi 조회 수:2538

Nuala: Hi, I’m Nuala O’Sullivan and you’re listening to ‘Exam Skills’. In this
programme, Use it or lose it, we focus on how best to build your vocabulary.
Well, no surprises here, first you have to learn it. Polish student Anna tries
to learn at least a handful of new words every day.


I think it’s really important. Even when you study for ten minutes vocabulary and you learn five words every day, it’s really useful.
Nuala: And to make the most of what you learn, you have to have a system, a way of remembering your vocabulary and being able to use it. Otherwise you’ll soon get into difficulties – even at the higher levels of learning English.

Margaret John

Do you know why so many Cambridge Proficiency students struggle with their Use of English section of the exam? It’s because they never learnt their vocabulary properly in the first place. So I’m going to tell you today: never learn a word in isolation.

Nuala: That was teacher Margaret John with our first tip for today: never learn a
word in isolation – never learn just one word on its own. Sounds like good
advice, but what does it really mean?
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