글 수 1,856
~ + only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만~ 해.
<Step 1>
필요한 만큼만 음식을 사.
Buy food only as much as you need.
음식을 필요한 만큼만 먹어.
Eat food only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 짐을 꾸려.
Pack only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 요청 해.
Ask for only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 주머니에 넣어.
Pocket only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 떠 맡아.
Take on only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 챙겨 둬.
Store away only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 손을 대.
Get your hands on only as much as you need.
<Step 2>
Dialogue 1
A: Buy food only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 음식을 사.
B: That will avoid wasting resources.
그러면 자원 낭비를 피할 수 있겠네.
Dialogue 2
A: Pack only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 짐을 꾸려.
B: I need to lighten my load.
짐을 가볍게 할 필요가 있어.
Dialogue 3
A: Take on only as much as you need.
필요한 만큼만 하겠다고 해.
B: We all have our limitations.
우리 모두 한계가 있으니까.