기타 Exam Skills-Right from the start | BBC
2010.03.01 12:27
programme, Right from the start, we present some advice to help you prepare
for - and do well in - English Language exams. As a teacher and teacher-trainer of EFL, I’ve set, marked and sat plenty of exams myself over the years. I don’t think you ever get over that feeling of nervousness when you walk into an exam room. We all know exams are essential, but most of us have very mixed feelings about taking them…
The period itself is stressful but I tend to, I tend to do my best work in exams.
Of course, every exam is stress, or stressful, so it depends how well you are prepared.
Exams are … I think exams are good.
If I don’t have that pressure in the end, to study, I will not study so hard. So it’s better if we have the exams in the end, and we will try to improve our English.
Nuala: So, exams are good; exams are stressful; exams make you study hard and improve your English! But how do you get there? How do you make sure
that you minimise the stress, do the right sort of practice, and perform well
on the day?
Well, the first thing you need to do is choose the right course - as Mark Shea
points out. He’s an EFL Trainer for the BBC World Service - and he’s also
a Cambridge Examiner! And it’s always worth listening to an examiner’s