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 38. most / almost의 선택


most는 한정사로서 명사 앞에 쓰이거나 ‘대부분의 뜻으로 most of가 되어 대명사로 쓰인다.
most books(O) / most of books(X)
most of the books(O) / most of them(O)

almost는 부사로 형용사나 부사 앞에 쓰인다.
almost books(X) / almost of books(X)
almost all 명사, almost no 명사, almost every, almost any 명사로 쓰인다.

․ [Almost / Most] all parents in the 1950s knew of Dr. B. Spok, a New York pediatrician, whose book 'Baby and Child Care' became the second best selling book in American history.

․ Many people think the secret is Kimchi, one of the Korean traditional dishes served with [most / almost] every meal.

․ Colonists came to the New World for many reasons, Some came for adventure. A few were political or religious refugees. [Almost / Most] of them came for economic reasons.

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공지 수능독해 강의차례(수능독해-유형) file [3] chanyi 14958 2006-02-06
공지 수능영문법 강의차례(수능영문법-유형) file [9] chanyi 13632 2006-02-05
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