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The English language has many heartfelt expressions | WORDS AND THEIR STORIES

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

Each week, this program explains the many meanings of English expressions. Today’s expressions include a very important word –heart.

We will try to get to the heart of the matter to better understand the most important things about words and their stories. So take heart. Have no fear about learning new expressions. Besides, popular English words can be fun. There is no need for a heavy heart. Such feelings of sadness would only break my heart, or make me feel unhappy and hopeless.

Now, let us suppose you and I were speaking freely about something private. We would be having a heart to heart discussion. I might speak from the bottom of my heart, or say things honestly and truthfully. I might evenopen up my heart to you and tell a secret. I would speak with all my heart, or with great feeling.

When a person shares her feelings freely and openly like this, you might say she wears her heart on her sleeve, or on her clothing. Her emotions are not protected.

If we had an honest discussion, both of us would know that the other person’s heart is in the right place. For example, I would know that you are a kind-hearted and well-meaning person. And, if you are a very good person, I would even say that you have a heart of gold. However, you might have a change of heart based on what I tell you. Our discussion might cause you to change the way you feel about something.

But, let us suppose you get angry over what I tell you. Or worse, you feel no sympathy or understanding for me or my situation. If this happens, I might think that you have a heart of stone. And, if you say something to make me frightened or worried, my heart might stand still or skip a beat.

Yet, even though you may be angry, I would know that at heart, you are a kind person. In reality, you do care. And any argument between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss.

My heart goes out to anyone who loses a friend over an argument. It really is a sad situation, and I feel sympathy for the people involved.

I promise that what I have told you today is true – cross my heart.

I really wanted to play some music at the end of this feature. In fact, I had my heart set on it. So here it is, “Don’t Go Breaking my Heart” by Elton John.


This VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES, was written by Jill Moss. I’m Faith Lapidus.

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Words and Their Stories: Heart to Heart
단어와 그 이야기들: 숨김 없는

Each week, this program explains the many meanings of English expressions. Today’s expressions include a very important word -- heart.
매 주, 이 프로그램은 영어 표현들의 다양한 의미들을 설명한다. 오늘의 표현들은 매우 중요한 단어인 ‘heart’를 포함한다.

We will try to get to the heart of the matter to better understand the most important things about words and their stories. So take heart. Have no fear about learning new expressions. Besides, popular English words can be fun. There is no need for a heavy heart. Such feelings of sadness would only break my heart, or make me feel unhappy and hopeless.
우리는 단어와 그 이야기들에 대해 가장 중요한 것들을 더 잘 이해하기 위해 문제의 ‘핵심’에 다가서려 노력할 것이다. ‘자신감’을 가져라. 새로운 표현을 배우는 것에 대해 어떠한 두려움도 갖지 마라. 게다가, 인기 있는 영어 단어들은 재미있을 수 있다. 마음이 무거워질 필요는 없다. 그러한 슬픔의 감정은 내 ‘마음’을 아프게, 즉 불행하고 절망적으로 느껴지게 할 뿐이다.

Now, let us suppose you and I were speaking freely about something private. We would be having a heart to heart discussion. I might speak from the bottom of my heart, or say things honestly and truthfully. I might even open up my heart to you and tell you a secret. I would speak with all my heart, or with great feeling.
이제, 여러분과 제가 사적인 것에 대해서 자유롭게 대화를 나누고 있다고 가정해 보자. 우리는 ‘숨김 없이 솔직하게’ 의논할 것이다. 나는 ‘진심으로’, 즉 정직하고 진실하게 말할 것이다. 나는 심지어 여러분에게 ‘마음을 터놓고’ 비밀을 말해 줄 것이다. 나는 ‘진심으로’ 기쁜 마음으로 이야기 할 것이다.

When a person shares her feelings freely and openly like this, you might say she wears her heart on her sleeve, or on her clothing. Her emotions are not protected.
어떤 여자가 자신의 감정을 이와 같이 자유롭고 솔직하게 이야기 할 때, 여러분은 그녀가 ‘솔직하게 말한다’고 말할 것이다. 그녀의 감정들은 숨겨지지 않는다.

If we had an honest discussion, both of us would know that the other person’s heart is in the right place. For example, I would know that you are a kind-hearted and well-meaning person. And, if you are a very good person, I would even say that you have a heart of gold. However, you might have a change of heart based on what I tell you. Our discussion might cause you to change the way you feel about something.
우리가 솔직하게 논의할 때, 우리 모두는 ‘상대방의 마음이 진심이다’는 것을 알 것이다. 예를 들어, 나는 여러분이 ‘마음씨 곱고’ 악의가 없는 사람이라고 알 것이다. 그리고 여러분이 매우 좋은 사람이라면, 나는 심지어 여러분이 ‘아주 친절한 사람이다’라고 말할 것이다. 그러나, 여러분은 내가 여러분에게 말하는 것에 따라 마음을 바꿀 수도 있다. 우리의 논의는 여러분으로 하여금 여러분이 무언가에 대해 느끼는 바를 바꾸게끔 할 수도 있다.

But, let us suppose you get angry over what I tell you. Or worse, you feel no sympathy or understanding for me or my situation. If this happens, I might think that you have a heart of stone. And, if you say something to make me frightened or worried, my heart might stand still or skip a beat.
그러나, 여러분이 내가 이야기 하는 것에 대해 화가 났다고 가정해 보자. 또는, 더 나아가, 여러분이 나나 내 상황에 대한 어떠한 연민이나 이해심도 느끼지 못한다고 가정해보자. 이런 일이 발생하면, 나는 여러분이 ‘심장이 얼음 같은 사람이다’라고 생각할지도 모른다. 또한, 여러분이 나를 겁먹게 하거나 염려하게 만드는 어떤 말을 한다면, ‘심장이 멎는 듯한 기분’일 것이다.

Yet, even though you may be angry, I would know that at heart, you are a kind person. In reality, you do care. And any argument between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss.
그러나 여러분이 화가 났을 지라도, 나는 ‘내심으로는’ 여러분이 친절한 사람이라고 생각할지도 모른다. 실제로 여러분은 남을 배려한다. 그리고 우리 사이의 어떠한 언쟁도 나로 하여금 ‘낙담하게’, 즉 상실감을 느끼게 하지 못할 것이다.

My heart goes out to anyone who loses a friend over an argument. It really is a sad situation, and I feel sympathy for the people involved.
나는 논쟁으로 인해 친구를 잃는 사람을 가엾게 생각한다. 그것은 실로 슬픈 상황이며, 연관된 사람들에 대해 연민을 느낀다.

I promise that what I have told you today is true -- cross my heart.
난 ‘맹세코’ 오늘 여러분에게 말한 것들이 사실이라고 약속한다.

I really wanted to play some music at the end of this feature. In fact, I had my heart set on it. So here it is, “Don’t Go Breaking my Heart” by Elton John.
난 정말 이 프로그램의 끝에 음악을 틀었으면 했다. 사실, 그러려고 ‘마음 먹었다’. 그래서 엘튼 존의 “Don’t Go Breaking my Heart”를 들려준다. 

take heart 자신감을 얻다, 힘내다, 마음을 다잡다  /  heavy heart 무거운 심정, 비통한 심정, 침울한 심정  /  break one’s heart ~의 마음을 아프게 하다  /  heart to heart 숨김 없는, 솔직한  /  bottom of my heart 진심  /  open up one’s heart 마음을 터놓다  /  openly 드러내놓고, 솔직하게  /  kind-hearted 마음씨 고운, 인정 많은  /  well-meaning 선의의, 악의 없는  /  have a heart of gold 아주 친절한 사람이다  /  have a change of heart 의견을 바꾸다, 마음을 바꾸다, 변심하다  /  sympathy 동정, 연민  /  have a heart of stone 심장이 얼음 같은 사람이다, 동정심이라고는 없는 사람이다  /  lose heart 낙담하다, 자신감을 잃다  /  one’s heart goes out to ~를 가엾게 생각하다  /  cross one’s heart 맹세하다, 약속하다, 맹세코  /  have one’s heart set on 작심하다, ~하기로 마음을 굳히다

[Check-up Questions]
What is the meaning of the expression ‘breaking my heart’?
What is the meaning of the expression ‘speaking from the bottom of my heart’?
What is the meaning of the expression ‘I had my heart set on it’?

[Discussion Questions]
Do you have someone who once broke your heart? Who is the person? And, how do you feel about him or her now?
Do you have someone to whom you can speak from the bottom of your heart? Who is the person? What makes you tell him or her everything honestly?

해석출처: Daniel K. Lee 

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