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This is the VOA Special English Technology Report , from | 

A top-level domain is the part of an Internet address after the dot.(인터넷 최상위 도메인이란 점(dot) 다음에 오는 인터넷 주소의 부분이다.) The most common of what are called generic top-level domains are dot-com, dot-net and dot-org.(일반 최상위 도메인이라 불리는 것 중 가장 흔한 것은 .com, .net 및 .org이다.)
There are twenty-two generic top-level domain names currently available.(현재 이용가능한 일반 도메인 이름들은 22개가 있다.)
But get ready for many, many more.(하지만, 점점 더 많아 지려 하고 있다.)The international organization that controls these names will begin accepting applications for new ones in January.(이러한 도메인 이름들을 관리하는 국제기구는 1월에 새이름의 신청을 허가하기 시작할 것이다.
This will open the door to dot-just-about-anything.(이것은 닷 이후에 어떤 이름도 올 수 있는 길을 열게 될 것이다.
Brad White is with ICANN, the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.(브래드 화이트 씨는 국제도메인관리기구 ICANN 소속이다.
He says: "What we're talking about doing with the new generic top-level domain program is blowing the lid off that ceiling of twenty two. (그가 말하길 “새로운 일반 최상위 도메인 프로그램을 만들기 위한 프로그램을 가지고 하려고 하는 것에 대해 우리가 이야기 하고 잇는 것은 22개 일반 최상위 도메인이 갖고 있는 한계를 날려버리자는 것입니다.)

The interest is there to expand that.(우리의 관심은 그것을 확장시키는 것이다.
We no longer have to keep this to twenty-two.(우리는 더이상 그것을 22개로 유지해야 할 필요가 없다.

It can be almost any word combination. It can be in non-Latin characters, which is extremely important if you happen to speak Russian because of the Cyrillic alphabet, or Arabic, or Chinese." ICANN officials met in October in Dakar, Senegal. Brad White says they discussed the new program for what are known as gTLDs. "This marks one of the biggest changes in the Internet's domain name system, the addressing system of the Internet, that has ever occurred. We want to make sure that the process of getting these gTLDs into the Internet's root is methodical, careful and thoughtful." Anyone can apply, including businesses, governments and individuals. The cost of a new name: one hundred eighty-five thousand dollars. 
  그것은 거의 모든 단어의 조합이 될수 있다. Latin 문자가 없이도 가능한데, 만일 당신이 키릴문자나 중국어 혹은 아라비아어 때문에 러시어어를 구사한다면 이것은 매우 중요하다.
ICANN 직원들은 지난달에 Dakar Senegal 에서 회의를 가졌다. Brad White 는 그들이 gTLDs 로 잘 알려진 새로운 프로그램에 대해 논의하였다. "이것은 지금까지 일어났던 인터넷 시스템을 어드레싱하는 인터넷 도메인 이름 시스템에서 가장 큰 변화중 하나로 여겨진다. 우리는 이러한 gTLDs 들을 인터넷의 근본으로 집어 넣는 절차들이 체계적이고, 주의깊고 깊이 있음을 확신하고 싶어한다"
기업들, 정부그리고 개인을 포함하여 누구나 신청할 수 있다. 새로운 이름의 비용은 : $185000

Mr. White says: "That's the cost that we've determined that is necessary to make sure that the applicant has the technical savvy to run an Internet registry, that there is no intellectual property or trademark problems, so on and so forth. But that hundred and eighty-five thousand is miniscule compared to the cost of actually operating an Internet registry." In Dakar, ICANN passed a resolution to consider creating a support system to help rising economies with limited financial resources. For example, ICANN says Africa represented less than twelve percent of Internet growth worldwide in the last ten years. But Mr. White says that is slowly beginning to change. ICANN will accept applications from January twelfth to April twelfth. It could take up to a year for new names to become active. ICANN says it will approve no more than one thousand new generic top-level domains each year. For VOA Special English, I'm Alex Villarreal. (Adapted from a radio program broadcast 07Nov2011)
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VOA News 계란 저장하는 방법(음성&대본) file

  • Chanyi
  • Feb 20, 2010
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아이폰으로 청취가능 The new safety measures storage of eggs American officials have announced new safety measures for the sale and storage of eggs. The measures are designed to protect Americans from becoming sick from bacteria sometimes found in eggs. 미 관리는 계란 저장과 판매를 위한 새 안전책을 발표했다. 조치는 때때로 계란에서 발견된 박테리아로 인해 앓게 되는 것을 막기 위한 것이다. Most sicknesses caused by eggs result when the eggs are uncooked or not cooked enough. Eggs and their shells onc...

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  • Oct 05, 2010
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VOA News Hand Washing Is Up in Public Restrooms in US file

  • Chanyi
  • Oct 06, 2010
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  • Chanyi
  • Oct 17, 2010
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WORDS AND THEIR STORIES: Water 아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "mdf94b0ad74d379c88bf91d9543a7efb12660") Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself. But many of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings. 물에 관련된 표현은 물 만큼이나 흔하게 찾아볼 수 있습니다. 그러나 물이 들어간 많은 표현들은 좋지 않은 의미를 갖고 있습니다. The expression to be in hot water is one of them. It is a very old expression. Hot water was used five hundred years ago to mean being in troub...

VOA News Words and Their Stories: In the Red file [1]

  • Chanyi
  • Oct 17, 2010
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VOA News "Jailed Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo Wins Nobel Peace Prize" file

  • Chanyi
  • Oct 19, 2010
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VOA News Eureka: The Word Just Burst Out! file

  • Chanyi
  • Oct 21, 2010
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VOA News Unwrapping the Genetic Secrets of a Chocolate Bar file

  • Chanyi
  • Nov 07, 2010
  • Views 1986

아이폰으로 청취가능 writeCode('', "m60c5015f658f444cacafc9d2777df93e4483") This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report. VOA 스페셜 잉글리쉬 농업보고서입니다. Cacao or cocoa trees grow in hot, rainy areas of Africa, Asia and Central and South America. Their beans are used to make cocoa powder, cocoa butter and of course chocolate. 카카오 또는 코코아 나무는 아프리카, 아시아와 중남아메리카의 뜨겁고 비가많은 지역에서 자랍니다. There are five to six million growers, maybe more. Many are poor f...

VOA News "In the Garden: Getting Started With Roses" file [1]

  • chanyi
  • Jan 29, 2011
  • Views 1732

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VOA News Koreans Ecstatic Pyeongchang Will Host 2018 Winter Olympics file

  • chanyi
  • Jul 14, 2011
  • Views 1396

"Koreans Ecstatic Pyeongchang Will Host 2018 Winter Olympics" "2018 평창 동계올림픽 주최국에 환호하는 한국인들" 아이폰으로 청취가능 [The South Korean resort of Pyeongchang has been selected to host the 2018 Winter Olympics. It took only one round of voting in Durban, South Africa, for Pyeongchang to defeat Munich, Germany, and France's Annecy. Now many South Koreans hope that by having the games, it will also put them on the map as a winter sports hot spot.] [한국 평창 리조트가 2018년 동...

VOA News For Lots of People, Getting Older Means Getting Happier file

  • chanyi
  • Sep 25, 2011
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"For Lots of People, Getting Older Means Getting Happier" "대부분의 사람들은 나이가 들 수록 더 행복해진다" This is the VOA Special English Health Report. 이 기사는 VOA 스페셜 영어 건강 기사입니다. Old age may not sound exciting. But recent findings offer good news for older people and for people worried about getting older. Researchers found that people become happier and experience less worry after they reach the age of fifty. In fact, they say by the age of eighty-five, people are happier with...

VOA News Young Haitians in Florida Learn About US Culture and Their Own

  • chanyi
  • Dec 08, 2011
  • Views 581

This is the VOA Special English Education Report , from | The state of Florida is home to one of the largest populations of Haitians outside of Haiti. The city of Miami has a neighborhood known as Little Haiti. People who live there keep close ties to Haitian culture. Young Haitians can learn French at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. Haiti is a former French colony. French is the main language used in schools there. The center...

VOA News Internet Change Makes Way for Dot-Anything

  • chanyi
  • Dec 08, 2011
  • Views 428

This is the VOA Special English Technology Report , from | A top-level domain is the part of an Internet address after the dot.(인터넷 최상위 도메인이란 점(dot) 다음에 오는 인터넷 주소의 부분이다.) The most common of what are called generic top-level domains are dot-com, dot-net and dot-org.(일반 최상위 도메인이라 불리는 것 중 가장 흔한 것은 .com, .net 및 .org이다.) There are twenty-two generic top-level domain names currently a...

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