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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
7552 [패턴영어회화] Where can I get~? ~는 어디서 구할 수 있지? file chanyi 2014-09-19 2822
7551 [패턴영어] A sided with me (sided against me) about B. file [1] chanyi 2014-09-18 2288
7550 2014년 제2회 고3 영어 듣기능력평가 문제 정답 및 대본 file chanyi 2014-09-18 3426
7549 2014년 제2회 고2 영어 듣기능력평가 문제 정답 및 대본 file chanyi 2014-09-17 3395
7548 [패턴영어] It’s always been my dream to~. ~하는 게 나의 오랜 꿈이었어. file [1] chanyi 2014-09-17 2453
7547 도움부탁드립니다. [2] 넷띠 2014-09-17 228
7546 2014년 제2회 고1 영어 듣기능력평가 문제 정답 및 대본 file chanyi 2014-09-16 5719
7545 [패턴영어] ~ are not allowed here. 여기서는 ~하시면 안됩니다. file chanyi 2014-09-16 1602
7544 [통문장 영어50] Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized. file chanyi 2014-09-15 1275
7543 [통문장 영어49] In spite of the police, there is usually a certain amount of vice in all big cities. chanyi 2014-09-15 909
7542 [통문장 영어48] The civilization had as the basis of its very existence two great engineering achievement chanyi 2014-09-15 889
7541 [통문장 영어47] How many languages are now spoken or were spoken in the past chanyi 2014-09-15 917
7540 [통문장 영어46] Although the situation called for swift action, we were at a loss what to do chanyi 2014-09-15 755
7539 [패턴영어회화] It’s time ~. 이미~했어야 했는데. file chanyi 2014-09-15 1381
7538 [통문장 영어45] Unless you witnessed what happened, you had better not make a wild guess. chanyi 2014-09-14 800
7537 [통문장 영어44] My heart leaps when I behold a rainbow in the sky. chanyi 2014-09-14 903
7536 [통문장 영어43] The biosphere is the part of the Earth's environment where life exists. chanyi 2014-09-14 671
7535 [통문장 영어42] The 'New World' found by Columbus was actually an old world chanyi 2014-09-14 734
7534 [통문장 영어41] A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become known chanyi 2014-09-14 748
7533 초등학교 영어 문법자료 file [3] chanyi 2014-09-14 5452
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