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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
7312 [통문장영어25] She avoided answering my questions about her age and height. file chanyi 2014-06-24 667
7311 난관에 봉착하다(hit a roadblock ) chanyi 2014-06-24 1181
7310 고1 두산(김) 실용영어 I - 1기말고사 5과문제 chanyi 2014-06-24 980
7309 실용영어1 능률(이찬승) 5과-7과 예상문제 file chanyi 2014-06-24 1517
7308 [패턴 영어회화] I’m glad to know that ~. ~하고 있다니 좋은데 . file chanyi 2014-06-24 731
7307 손바닥처럼 훤히 알다(Know (Something) like the back of my hand) chanyi 2014-06-24 498
7306 실용영어2 두산(김성곤) 6과 형성평가 file chanyi 2014-06-24 842
7305 실용영어2 두산(김성곤) 5~8과 종합평가 file chanyi 2014-06-24 822
7304 [통문장영어24] To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. chanyi 2014-06-24 766
7303 [패턴 영어회화] I think I’m ~ too much. file chanyi 2014-06-23 1051
7302 손닿는 곳에 두다(keep it handy) chanyi 2014-06-21 607
7301 [통문장영어23] Many difficulties and much stress today come from our thinking that there is not enough time. chanyi 2014-06-21 747
7300 [패턴 영어회화] A + be동사 + waiting for + ~. file chanyi 2014-06-20 883
7299 Flying Car Moves Closer to Reality chanyi 2014-06-20 971
7298 English in the News: Vocabulary of Floods chanyi 2014-06-20 1503
7297 Pronunciation - Silent T: often, listen, castle... chanyi 2014-06-20 1681
7296 Speaking English - Talking about pains and aches chanyi 2014-06-20 1960
7295 [통문장영어22] There are several reasons why some works, and not others, have become popular. chanyi 2014-06-19 1058
7294 [통문장영어21] Anything that contributes to stress during mealtime can interfere with the digestion of food. chanyi 2014-06-19 954
7293 [패턴 영어회화] ~ + is a real hassle. file chanyi 2014-06-19 2715
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