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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
3792 [패턴영어] It would be a crime not to + 동사 원형. file chanyi 2012-08-29 2520
3791 Korean: 유아 (yua): nursing baby koreanculture 2012-08-29 402
3790 펜(Pen) noun meaning pen in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-28 342
3789 [패턴영어] I owe you an apology for + 명사. file chanyi 2012-08-28 2516
3788 How to talk about your friends in English [1] sohee1004 2012-08-28 427
3787 고객(Gogaek) means customer in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-27 328
3786 [패턴영어] what he + 과거 동사 + was + 형용사. file chanyi 2012-08-27 2708
3785 Korean: 주입 (juip): pouring koreanculture 2012-08-27 377
3784 배우다(Baeuda) verb meaning learn in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-26 490
3783 문제(Munje) noun meaning problem in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-25 481
3782 Korean: 강자 (gangja): bruiser koreanculture 2012-08-25 448
3781 치타(Chita) noun meaning cheetah in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-24 416
3780 [패턴영어] It'll help keep your mind off + 명사. file chanyi 2012-08-24 2922
3779 Korean: 휴게소 (hyugeso): service area koreanculture 2012-08-24 637
3778 가까이에(Gakkaie) preposition meaning near in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-23 610
3777 [패턴영어] What inspired you to + 동사원형? file chanyi 2012-08-23 2433
3776 입학사정관제 ‘블랙리스트’ 공유 chanyi 2012-08-23 1961
3775 Korean: 모피 목도리 따위 (mopi mokdori dawi): fur koreanculture 2012-08-23 606
3774 English Tenses Exercise - Grammar Practice sohee1004 2012-08-22 226
3773 All Tenses - English Lesson sohee1004 2012-08-22 156
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