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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
3772 어려운(Eoryeoun) adjective meaning difficult in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-22 503
3771 [패턴영어] ~ing + will be a great help. file chanyi 2012-08-22 2618
3770 Korean: 내사하다 (naesahada): to investigate secretly koreanculture 2012-08-22 650
3769 [패턴영어] I'll pay you back for what you + 동사. file chanyi 2012-08-21 2746
3768 [패턴영어] Think twice before you + 동사. file chanyi 2012-08-21 2304
3767 행복한(Haengbokhan) adjective meaning happy in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-21 540
3766 Korean: 고독 (godok): loneliness koreanculture 2012-08-21 398
3765 교실(Gyosil) noun meaning classroom in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-20 362
3764 Korean: 염소자리 (yeomsojari): Capricorn (The Goat) koreanculture 2012-08-20 604
3763 여동생(Yeodongsaeng) noun meaning younger sister in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-19 544
3762 Korean: 한자 (hanja): Chinese character koreanculture 2012-08-19 381
3761 공책(Gongchaek) noun meaning notebook in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-18 429
3760 정정하다(Jeongjeonghada) verb meaning correct in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-17 648
3759 [패턴영어] It's important to + 동사원형 + in good time. file chanyi 2012-08-17 3202
3758 NEW Video! Learn Korean - Apologizing in Korea. koreanculture 2012-08-17 270
3757 Learn Korean - Apologizing in Korea koreanculture 2012-08-17 243
3756 [패턴영어] I wouldn't say no to + 명사. file chanyi 2012-08-17 3548
3755 Korean: 의도 (uido): purpose koreanculture 2012-08-17 258
3754 절(Jeol) noun meaning temple in Korean. koreanculture 2012-08-16 306
3753 Learn Korean -- Apologizing in Korea koreanculture 2012-08-16 279
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